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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Secret 28 Page 9/11 Report Could Destroy Bush Family


  1. If the report is such a secret, how is it known to be able to destroy a family?

  2. This was bound to come out. Not sure why it came out so soon. Nothing is secret anymore. Too many have access to too much. I pray that more evil is exposed each day. The truth will set us free.

  3. So soon? It's been 14 years!

    The only way I see it coming out is if the election is Hillary vs Jeb. The Clintons have dirt on everybody and naming the Saudi's and their friendship with the Bushes would wrap up the election for her.

    I don't see Jeb going much further, though. He's run an awful campaign as a Democrat in Republican clothing, and if he got the nomination the Republican party would finally implode due to the obvious election rigging. When it was done to silence Ron Paul the last go around, the sheeple never figured it out but this is too obvious.

  4. Saudi's want another Bush in the WH to control like they did with the last two.

  5. This guy is a loon.

  6. What report? ? Just words from a looney tune. Let's see it.


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