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Monday, October 19, 2015

Russia Targets Christians, Religious Minorities in Ukraine

Report: Pro-Kremlin groups, Russian troops beat, expel religious leaders to establish dominance of Russian Orthodox Church

Russia and its proxy forces have engaged in a systematic campaign in the last year to abuse religious minorities in Ukraine, according to a new report and accounts that have garnered scant attention in the Western press.

In its annual report on International Religious Freedom, released Wednesday, the Department of State said that conditions for religious minorities deteriorated in the parts of eastern Ukraine controlled by Russian-backed separatists, as well as in the Russian-occupied peninsula of Crimea. Russia seized Crimea in March 2014, and Western nations have accused the Kremlin of backing the Ukrainian separatists in a conflict that has killed more than 8,000 people since last April.

“In the areas they control, the separatists have kidnapped, beaten, and threatened Protestants, Catholics, and members of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate, as well as participated in anti-Semitic acts,” the report said.

The separatists formed two “people’s republics” last April in Donetsk and Luhansk and declared in the constitution that the primary religion would be the “Christian Orthodox faith … practiced by the Russian Orthodox Church.” All other religions, including separate Christian denominations, appear to have been targeted.


  1. Good.Get everyone on the same page.We are scattered all over the place with Christianity in the US,and each denomination knows that theirs is the right one.Seriously speaking,how can that possibly be? There are over a dozen "Christian based" denominations within a 10 mile radius of my house,and each has based theirs on a specific segment of the Bible.A couple have based their entire doctrine on single bible verses that they have conveniently interpreted to suit their agenda.Good for Russia.

  2. 929 I'm going to try to help you overcome your ignorance and bias. I really hope that others will read this because its amazing how much ignorance is out there. The bible is made up of two parts old testament and new. The old testament is essentially what the jews follow. The new testament, which is what those that have accepted that Jesus was exactly who he said he was, the Son of God, follow. The new testament is what those at the council of Nicea transcribed as the most accurate texts available at the time. It gives accountings of Jesus' life from different people as they witnessed it, then later transcribed to those that actually possesed the ability to perform this amazing new technology. The written word on paper. The new testament also contains communications in the form of letters from men that actually walked with Jesus, to their followers. The council basically got tired of heretical morons adding in and making up their own stuff about who Jesus was and what he said. So again, what they did was put together the most acccurate and verifiable stuff they could find at that time. The issue of denominations arises based on differences of interpretations of flawed men and women, humans, us, who concentrate on one thing or another, and put a sometimes different spin on what was actually said. And there is room for that. Flawed humanity observes the light of God in different ways. When we see a sunrise from different viewpoints and different locations, we observe its beauty and perfection ways. A Catholic views and understands God in a slightly different way than a baptist. But both acknowledge He died fornour sins on a cross. Saying a prayer fornyou this am ! Smiles

  3. Thought you guys see Putin as a hero?

  4. great summary 8:33!

  5. "In different ways". Can we get an edit function?


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