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Monday, October 19, 2015

DHS ID card rule could bar some visitors from federal buildings

Visitors to federal facilities and military bases must now have identification cards from states that adopted REAL ID standards to be admitted.

The Department of Homeland Security announced that starting Oct. 10, visitors to government property must have identification from states meeting minimum security requirements to enter everything from federal office buildings to nuclear power plants.

New York, Minnesota, Louisiana and American Samoa are the only jurisdictions not in compliance with REAL ID standards.

Those outlier states have a three-month grace period before federal building staff begin enforcing the new rule. The federal government will announce which states get further extensions in the coming days.



  1. Doesn't that put an unfair burden on minorities? That's what they say about requiring an ID to vote.

    So if the feds do it, it's OK?

  2. But no ID to vote?

  3. One more step toward a National ID.
    Keep cheering.....

  4. Just what is hiding on the real ID card that we are not
    aware of??? and do we have the right to know what that information

    One of The Sheeple


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