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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Ocean City Issued Three Fines For Smoking Violations In New Restrictions’ First Season

OCEAN CITY — Ocean City’s first summer with heightened smoking restrictions yielded three citations, totaling $150 in fines.

Public Affairs Specialist Lindsey Richard of the Ocean City Police Department added that there were 297 calls for service in regards to smoking violations since May 1, but the department didn’t keep a tab on written warnings because they didn’t write any.

Yet, according to city Council member and Tourism Commission Chair Mary Knight, that lack of a hammer when enforcing the new smoking restrictions shouldn’t be much of a surprise.

“We wanted the first year to be an educational year for our visitors,” said Knight. “It’s like the mayor says, we have 300,000 new people each week to educate so we had the police officers handing out little cards on the first infraction that explained to people what the change in the law was. We never intended to be heavy handed this year.”



  1. Yea right
    Wait tell next year.

  2. that place just needs to float off into the ocean

  3. Good bye to the beaches. Libtarded policy. Second hand smoke does not apply outside. Enforcing littering laws would be more profitable. Cant wait to leave this freedom less state and not just on this issue alone. by the way i dont smoke.

  4. I'm pretty sure these officers have better things to focus their time and effort towards, maybe all the drugs just on the boardwalk and downtown or DUIs or all the other crap going on. But non they will be all over the beach next summer focusing on this.

  5. Meanwhile people are shooting heroin in the alleys.

  6. Having grown up on the peninsula, it's a shame that the beaches aren't worth visiting anymore.

  7. Hey, that $100 in fines really saved the year's bottom line! without that,OC would be broke!

  8. Don't blame the cops. Seriously doubt they were looking forward to this. And no this isn't what they will be focusing on next year. A large majority of the officers working the beach and boardwalk areas are young men and women. Enforcing no smoking laws is not what they want to do. They want to make drug busts, lock up prostitutes and pimps, thieves, etc. They don't want to write tickets for smoking.
    Giovanni Jones

    1. If yhe cops only want to enforce certain laws then they don't need to be cops.?

    2. The beach and Ocmd is starting to look like NJ shore, with thugs.

  9. Someone obviously wasn't doing their jobs!

  10. How about cracking down on the speeding loud cars.

  11. I grew up here and I LOVE going to OC 7:04; however, I did observe a lot of smoking on the boards this summer.

  12. The smoking doesn't bother me but the thug culture that's becoming OC does. It is way more dangerous than 2 hand smoke could ever be. Instead of worrying about smoke and banning that how about the useless council finally do something productive to get OC back on the right track and ban rap music and have the bars stop serving alcohol at 11pm. You would see the class of people coming to OC do a complete turnaround. Whoever this Knight is they sound like a real prize winner. Doofus comes to mind. They need to 'educate' people-LOL. Knight needs to educate their self. They sound like a mindless dope.

  13. It's a control thing., liberals and 'wannabe' somebodys suffer from it. Mick Jagger said it well, "Under my thumb..."

  14. They need to issue more fines. WTF is the purpose of having laws if they don't enforce them.

  15. Anonymous said...
    If yhe cops only want to enforce certain laws then they don't need to be cops.?

    October 9, 2015 at 7:54 AM

    I agree and if I was the mayor I would check out the beaches and then fire their lazy asses.


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