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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Mayor seeks $150M from Md. in response to Hogan's pledge to help Baltimore

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has sent a letter to Gov. Larry Hogan seeking $150 million in state aid over the next five years after the governor penned an opinion piece in The Sun saying he wanted to help Baltimore.

"Today I wrote to put forth a partnership proposal based not only on my experiences of successes and challenges running the City; but more importantly, based on the first-hand knowledge of what my City needs right now," the mayor wrote. The $150 million in state aid would be dedicated to workforce training and re-entry services; economic and community development; public transportation; health; and recreation and parks, said Rawlings-Blake, a Democrat.

Last month, Hogan, a Republican, wrote an opinion piece for The Sun entitled "The Economic Engine of Maryland." In it, he pledged to announce a "series of innovative ideas that have the potential to deliver real change" for Baltimore by demolishing vacant properties, stimulating job growth and improving transportation and education.



  1. She certainly knows how to manipulate the financial aid that could be available. Parks and recreation should be a NO.
    All of this is pure BS at its best . You and I know this will just go to the thugs in the area , been there done it many times , it's over mayor.

  2. I wouldn't help that witch or her city of thugs and pan handlers cross the street much less give them money.

  3. Hey Hogan- how about something to help here on the Shore, too.

  4. "The $150 million in state aid would be dedicated to workforce training and re-entry services; economic and community development; public transportation; health; and recreation and parks, said Rawlings-Blake, a Democrat."

    Workforce training, isn't that what schools are for. Public transportation, haven't we already built them a light rail and subway system. Recreation and parks, in the 50's Bmore had a population of almost 1 million now less than half that and now they have more parks and rec centers then the 50's.

  5. The ONLY thing that is going to help the residents of Baltimore City is for them to get some morals and to get back to God in a REAL way.
    They are all about Praising the Lord and hallelujahing on Sundays but then get right back to their immoral ways and making babies in sinful unmarried unions, with 'fathers' who can't support and have no interest in supporting children but physically and mentally in a positive way. Most can't even take care of themselves and are criminals and thugs.

  6. Dumping note money there is just as wasteful as dumping it in downtown Salisbury.

  7. Think we could get another $6M?

    - The Gray Family

  8. Yep, that city and all others problems stem from the break down of a real family unit. That's it that's all and as soon as blacks (because that is what we are talking here) decide to get honest with themselves nothing is going to change. You can throw all the money you want at the problems but the problem lies exclusively with their poor decisions and high risk behaviors that they make the choice to engage in. Unfortunately black America has lost it's way and there is no real black leadership that is honest and willingly to tell them the way it is.

  9. Quite electing liberal democrats would help b more more than the cash.

  10. A hoop on every corner

  11. Mayor seeks $150M from Md. in response to Hogan's pledge to help Baltimore


    She's obviously got that wrong! Baltimore owes the state of Maryland more money than that for resources sent to Baltimore from all over the state of Maryland because of her riots.

  12. Mayor needs to go pound sand!

  13. This mayor needs to sit down and shut up. She is the cause for all the trouble in Baltimore with her big wagging mouth running non-stop. The governor, and the rest of the law abiding people of Maryland don't deserve to have to pay for her failures in office much less the damage done by the mayor's riot thugs.

  14. Hey wake up dumbo mayor, that's what social services, and the job centers do; they train people for job entry or re-entry, there are programs out the butt for this very thing that taxpayers have been paying for years. You and your phony pledge of additional financial help is only for yourself and your friends before you leave office and nothing more. You have bilked the state for years and you have failed the very people who you swore to help. You are a shameless liar and thief.

  15. Here we go again. Trying to pump money into Baltimore. There will be no improvement at all. Things will stay the same until you change the way the people think!

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Here we go again. Trying to pump money into Baltimore. There will be no improvement at all. Things will stay the same until you change the way the people think!

    October 11, 2015 at 12:04 AM

    You are not going to change the way they think. The only thing we can do to salvage Baltimore City is to find out some way to get the blacks to move out of the city and conservative whites to move back in.

    1. Are you serious?

      We already know what happens when they move out of the city. They move down here and create the same communities with the same problems they are supposedly moving away from. They (the low class, "racially disabled", criminally inclined blacks) drive out the good, productive, peaceful citizens and homeowners, regardless of race.

      Just like needs to be done with Detroit, wall it up and declare it a total loss, let them have al the space they want to destroy their own habitat. Flushing out the natives simply metastasizes the problem to the rest of the state, and nowhere will be safe anymore.

      Keep 'em up there.

  17. Right, the people need to change for any improvement to be seen. Baltimore already spends more per student than any other school district in MD and has dismal numbers to show for it. The chronic absenteeism rate is like over 60%. Whose fault is that-the parents.
    They had a good gig going for awhile because they could blame the mess on lead paint and how that was what caused all the 'learning disabilities' and 'behavioral' problems. That excuse is just about done so just waiting to hear what excuse they dream up next. Whatever it is, it will cost the MD tax payers millions and millions. They'll have to do studies, have task forces, put together government programs, hire consultants and other 'experts', etc etc.

  18. $150 million, and that will be just the start of it. Once the mayor gets that check, it's just like any other welfare check. They'll become dependent on it, and it will only continue to get worse, with more demanded without positive results.

    Instead of her asking for Maryland taxpayers to subsidize a group of surly, non-taxpaying ingrates, without a shred of gratitude let alone improvement in their behaviors, she needs to ask her voting base to act like they deserve it, first.

  19. She'll steal the money.

  20. To October 10, 2015 at 7:58 a.m.:

    Your math is wrong. Baltimore has over 620,000 residents. 1/2 of 1 million is only 500,000. Thus, Baltimore has more than 1/2 the number it did in the 50s, not "less than half."

    Also, it never ceases to amaze me how much people can ignore the pressing need to invest all the money we can in Baltimore. Without Baltimore, this state has NOTHING business wise/has no economic "driver," outside of a few towns in Montgomery County. Even there, the families work and spend most of their money in DC. This state absolutely needs to invest anything we can in Baltimore, as without a large, anchor city, this state's economy will be caught in a death spiral. That's what makes the Red Line cancellation so truly short sighted and idiotic.


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