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Sunday, October 11, 2015

800-pound man kicked out of hospital after ordering pizza

CRANSTON, R.I. (WJAR) — A man from Cranston who weighs 778 pounds is desperate for help after he said Rhode Island Hospital kicked him out.

The man's father said he has nowhere to take his son.

Steven Assanti, 33, said his eating addiction lead him to the trunk of his father's SUV with no place to go.

"It's an addiction, and I realize that," said Assanti.

"And it's a disease."

For the past 80 days, Assanti said, he was getting the help he needed at Rhode Island Hospital. There, he lost 20 pounds.

But after Assanti violated his care plan by ordering pizza, he said the hospital told him he could no longer stay.



  1. Don't we need more artificial reefs?

  2. i gotta say i agree with the hospital. If the patient didn't want to follow the plan set forth by the doctors, kick his morbidly obese arse out. I understand the food is an addiction, but c'mon man, it's your life we're talking about here.

  3. There has to be commitment from the patient. This man is not ready for gastric bypass surgery. His disease just might kill him if he is not strong enough to fight it. If the hospital took on every case like this, our healthcare costs would be even worse than they are now. Personal responsibility is a LOST American trait.

  4. HMMM... ANOTHER OBAMA VOTER Looking for handouts....

  5. Hell at that size he needs his own Zip Code.

  6. I am a large woman and I agree with the hospital doing this. If he doesn't comply with the rules then he cannot stay. That took a lot of nerve for him to do that.

  7. Sounds to me like he is pushing his limits and testing them to see how much he can get away with, without realizing he is only hurting himself. He apparently is going to do what he wants, when he wants, and demand other people accept that. You can't do that in the hospital and expect to be allowed to stay.

  8. You have to have responsibility for your actions

  9. Let's see, a 778 pound man, 80 days on his hospital diet (that's almost 3 full months in bed) and he's only lost 20 pounds? I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that this was not fat man's first delivery of carry out food in the hospital?

    1. That's what I was thinking, too.

  10. if it was ponzettis pizza I could certainly understand the addiction

  11. What part of the program did he not understand? Maybe Richard Simmons can take this one on.

  12. Just how in the world did they get that fork lift to deliver him in his room.

  13. There has just GOT to be an "enabler", deliveries aside. This guy is not going out and getting his own food. The person that is shoving the food down his throat should be horse-whipped.

  14. From Rhode Island? This guy must take up half the state!

  15. Stich his mouth Shut.

  16. I agree with 9:07. He can't even move to go get his own food, so he should only be eating what his caregivers allow him. In a hospital, that should be a very controlled diet and make him start physical therapy so he can actually move and burn some calories.

    1. He will eat his caregivers lol.

  17. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    JT ?????

    October 9, 2015 at 6:13 PM"

    Not quite yet but certainly in a few more years, if he lives that long. The boy has spent the best years of his life, pounding away on a computer trying to take others more successful then he is and jealous of down. In the meantime JT grows more and more obese and his bills pile up and those he is seeking to destroy are getting the last laugh. They have good lives and he's stuck in his miserable life without a pot to take a leak in and growing fatter. What a waste he is.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    There has just GOT to be an "enabler", deliveries aside. This guy is not going out and getting his own food. The person that is shoving the food down his throat should be horse-whipped.

    October 9, 2015 at 9:07 PM

    I was talking about that to my kids today.

  19. Anonymous said...
    Let's see, a 778 pound man, 80 days on his hospital diet (that's almost 3 full months in bed) and he's only lost 20 pounds? I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that this was not fat man's first delivery of carry out food in the hospital?

    October 9, 2015 at 4:56 PM


  20. FatBoy didn't get fat on his own. Someone has to be shoveling that food down his throat.

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    JT ?????

    October 9, 2015 at 6:13 PM"

    Not quite yet but certainly in a few more years, if he lives that long. The boy has spent the best years of his life, pounding away on a computer trying to take others more successful then he is and jealous of down. In the meantime JT grows more and more obese and his bills pile up and those he is seeking to destroy are getting the last laugh. They have good lives and he's stuck in his miserable life without a pot to take a leak in and growing fatter. What a waste he is.

    October 11, 2015 at 10:41 AM

    JT had that DONATE picture up at the top for about a week long last week I think he must have been hurting for some cash.

    Hope some of his Crisfield and Somerset County Moles paid his bills for him.


  22. "JT had that DONATE picture up at the top for about a week long last week I think he must have been hurting for some cash.

    Hope some of his Crisfield and Somerset County Moles paid his bills for him.

    October 12, 2015 at 12:07 AM"

    It's inexcusable that he would even consider asking people for money when all he does is run people down. Very few people want to be a part of his issues. If he's not ashamed then his family certainly should be but I'd be surprised if they are as I've heard from people who have known them for a long time that they are as common as as low as you can get.

  23. I blame the spoon....


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