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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Is Barack Obama Actually TRYING To Start World War III?

This is essentially the equivalent of poking the Russians directly in the eyes

Why has Barack Obama airdropped 50 tons of ammunition into areas that “moderate rebels” in Syria supposedly control?

This is essentially the equivalent of poking the Russians directly in the eyes. Much of this ammunition will end up in the hands of those that the Russians are attempting to bomb into oblivion, and so to Russia it appears that we are attempting to make their job much harder. And of course the truth is that there aren’t really any “moderate rebels” in Syria at all. Nearly all of the groups that are fighting are made up primarily of radical jihadists and/or hired mercenaries. Personally, I don’t see anyone over there that you could call “the good guys”. At the end of the day, the U.S. supports just about anyone that wants to get rid of the Assad regime, and the Russians are working very hard to keep Assad in power. Just like the civil war in Ukraine, the conflict in Syria is in great danger of being transformed into a proxy war between the United States and Russia, and many fear that these conflicts could eventually be setting the stage for World War III.

The ferocity of Russian airstrikes in Syria has surprised observers all over the planet, and over the past couple of days these airstrikes have been extended to include some new areas



  1. He is trying to scare the oil speculators into running the price up with the instability.

  2. Can someone please make Joe Biden president tomorrow?


  3. Not to worry. The supplies were probably "accidentally intercepted" by his muslim brothers. And yes, he has set the stage for WWIII by allowing the middle east to implode by leading from behind.

  4. 6:52
    Please tell you doctor to up the dosage!

  5. 827, why do you love Obama?

  6. Now we know why the government was buying up so much ammo.
    I'm telling you, this POS muslim, Obama, is frightening! He's out to destroy your country, your children's future, your way of life., the very nature of why this country was founded.
    On another note, I just can't imagine ANY military person actually looking at him as 'commander'. This sounds more like something that Valerie Jarrett would come up with then a military adviser.

  7. If he's not, it certainly seems that way.


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