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Sunday, October 25, 2015

I Strongly Recommend You Listen To This Interview


This is an interview I did with a SU Student on crime in Salisbury and Wicomico County.


  1. All I can say is WOW.

  2. Amazing, even having been here only a year she knew crime wasn't down! How can the politicians keep saying crime is down with a straight face!

  3. 11:28, As I stated in an earlier post, in 2014 there were 43 robberies. in 2015, (so far) there have been 75 robberies in the City. As I also stated in this interview, break ins are through the roof both in the City and the County.

    In my honest opinion, organizations like the Chamber of Commerce gets very upset whenever crime is exposed. The Real Estate market gets upset. Funny, why are we not seeing press releases on all the crime. Why is serious crime getting buried in calls for service?

    Spin it any way you want, it's all about the POLITICS.

    Let me give you a PRIME example. Just minutes ago we published a press release on Bonzie Lee Curtis Jr. getting 30 years in jail for his crime. TRY THIS, type in his name into our search bar in the top left hand corner of this site and see IF WE had published ANYTHING about his original ARREST. I'll save you the time, IT ISN'T THERE.

    Now why should that concern you. Well, this is just one of many THOUSANDS of serious crimes and arrests that law enforcement did NOT tell you about. We publish ALL of the press releases. This happens far too often and this is what this young lady is trying to express and or see changed.

    We, the entire community, deserves to know what is going on. HOWEVER, we cannot CHALLENGE and or FIX the crime problem IF our Executive, Mayor, Council's and law enforcement leaders are NOT held accountable.

    1. It's certainly possible that in a case such as this, law enforcement keeps it quiet while attempting to gather additional info from the accused. Street terminology "roll over".

  4. The Salisbury City Council, and County need to listen to this as well as local media again one student living here 1 yr and this is what they see and hear as well as their parents. What else do we need to shake up things, I correspond on this website all the time about the number of unsolved murders going back to the 70"s and, as well as the missing since the 70"s I have the figures they are not hard to get and as I have said before the only response I have had is from this website and the local library! That's right not the SPD, State Police, Sheriff's office, the news media, or our States Attorney's office! The city doesn't care about the past and not the present. This will before long be Ferguson!

  5. Allston I was born and raised in Salisbury and use to be so proud and happy about our nice quite little. Nobody locked their doors at night, neighbors knew and looked out for each other. But now I will not admit that to anybody, the town has become a cesspool of thugs, cronyism and a political group of 'good ol' boys' and is a popularity contest for power not to solve problems nor even put lipstick on them. It's a shame to see what has become of this city. It once had a zoo that was the envy of the nation now we hear very little of it unless it's about an animal dying. I truly wish you and the students would take over the political base! You and the other students could most certainly do a better job than the clowns running it now, with the exception of the few who are hamstrung because they are not part of the ' good ol' boys'

  6. Pack up and leave. Come back when Bob Culver cleans up the place.

  7. Solid interview Allston, keep up the good work!

  8. Hey its not just Salisbury everyone. Sure it seems like it bad there, but it is bad all over. Entitlements, politicians giving free stuff away. College kids cause problems too, just not same thing... They boost the economy in Salisbury, take SU away from there and Salisbury would be a dump. If you look at it, making a bypass around Salisbury was worst thing that ever happened. I remember the traffic jams, but the town was booming in the summer. Maryland is or was run by an idiot, all states are having same issues, the kids just dont care. People dont care, they just keep taking and the ones who do care are afraid to say anything because it be "RACIST" The new word, anytime something happens, its not fair and Racism.

    Good luck, the country has lost its morals, so we owe everyone everything. Politicians are leaches, so are lawyers. System is broke.


    1. The bypass was made to Bypass the crime lol.

    2. No its not like this everywhere. I moved years ago 2 a place much better.

  9. saw some big carp floating in the river today, went there to take a dip but changed my mind

  10. 1:59 Another one who thinks he is a genius and really is an idiot.

  11. The Bury thanks to Ireton,Mitchell, shields, Jonathan Taylor.

  12. Great interview. This young lady certainly seems to know a lot about crime and drug dealing.

  13. 1:52 If it was the same all over then Salisbury would not rank among the top most crime ridden cities. it would instead fall in the middle and be an average compared to other places.

    Yes its bad all over the country but the fact is it's much worse here in Salisbury. Remember her statistics, 84% of Salisbury is rentals compare to an average of 37% across the country. You can not look at all these numbers and say its the same everywhere else.

  14. Excellent show.Would WBOC air it you think?

  15. To be able to vote here you just have to be eighteen or older and have proof of living here for only thirty straight days. Pretty lame.

  16. Joe thank you for doing what you do for Salisbury. You have really no reason to keep fighting like you do. But you keep exposing so much, and trying to shed light on the problems this once great city is facing. What frustrates me the most is our elected officials, not all but most just think were a bunch of idiots and can hide things constantly from us. Thankfully Culver is doing his best with the Council of idiots he has.

  17. That 'root' sounded like NPR to me

  18. She puts any and all of our local journalists and reporters to shame.
    It's telling when an SU student is more in tune and on the ball then the local media.

  19. I heard one pseudo recommendation. Encouraging the students to vote is a good idea. Regardless of crime rate.
    Obviously we need more educated people in the area to offset the uneducated people that are not part of the solution.

    What exactly is the issue that voting would solve though?

  20. " JoeAlbero said...
    11:28, As I stated in an earlier post, in 2014 there were 43 robberies. in 2015, (so far) there have been 75 robberies in the City. As I also stated in this interview, break ins are through the roof both in the City and the County."

    Actually Joe, most of the break in are through a door or window not the roof.

  21. 8:57, You do realize your an Idiot, right?

    Funny how we throw out FACTS by numbers and all of a sudden the LIBERALS go into immediate hiding.

    Funny how Ireton nor Day are defending or denying those numbers. They can't because they are documented and factual and available on the Internet.

    They blow smoke up everyone's butts and the lame media just publishes whatever these LIARS say. Crime is NOT down.

    So here's what I would do if I were a resident and or taxpayer in Salisbury.

    When they give away a parking lot and or buildings, don't ever shop/live there. You see, just like SU has 8,000 students that could register and take over the entire Mayor and Council seats, YOU can refuse to do business with these people taking from you in the first place.

    You see, these special interests could NEVER survive off their friends. They smack you in the face and then laugh all the way to the bank when you stop in and spend money. SO STOP SPENDING YOUR MONEY.

    Demand they either get rid of all the parking meters Downtown or you simply stop visiting, (not that many people do). Find another place to go. When YOU start showing them that you refuse to be screwed any more, they'll finally and clearly see that it is YOU that completely drives Salisbury.

    Use your heads and THINK for once. They want to cover up crime, STOP going Downtown. They want to give away buildings, (your buildings) STOP going Downtown. Open a business elsewhere. Start showing this leadership you are NOT going to take it any more.

    1. The question is why. Why are they selling off downtown, why are they letting crime drive property values down? Follow the money trail, someone is gonna be rich when the plan plays out, ireton, Duncan...

    2. Kick backs to the gillis.

  22. This town SUCKS. I carry every day for my own safety. Jim Rainbow Moron Ireton is a joke.

  23. I think the cool aid man is doing some break ins ohhhh yeahhhhh!

  24. I own a business and I am shutting my doors tomorrow because of this cover up! Favors Underhanded Just A-typical liberal stuff!

  25. http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/md/salisbury/crime/#description

  26. Please spare me all of you.......sure blame the current group of morons in charge in salisbury....it's the easy way out.......this all just happened overnight right???? Not hardly folks.....there is along.....decades long list of things that created what is today the decline......

  27. People need to hammer Jake Day and the other City and County leaders on crime in this town. There is such a disconnect between the elected officials and what actually happens here? And they want to put apartments and retail stores downtown? Who is going to live in them? Well, until they become Section 8.

    1. Atleast jake will listen instead of that little boy Iretin,also do Not vote in ireton for city council.

  28. This justifies a curfew.


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