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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hillary Clinton Second Oldest President If Elected

Only Ronald Reagan was older at inauguration

At 69 years of age during the next presidential inauguration, Hillary Clinton will be the second oldest president if elected.

When the next president is inaugurated on Jan. 20, 2017, Clinton will be 69 years, two months and 25 days old and only Ronald Reagan was older at his inauguration, but only by a little over eight months.

So far, the second oldest president at inauguration, William Henry Harrison, was 68 years and 23 days old upon his swearing in, an age which Clinton will reach a little over three weeks from now.

Although age is just a number, the former Secretary of State is also suffering from numerous health problems which raise doubts over her ability to serve as president.



  1. maybe her stressed out condition is her worrying about another person coming forward about her bisexual arrangements just saying

  2. Her #1 health issue is CRS disease, can't remember s***! Her second is her continual use of lies to further any goal she has at that particular moment!

  3. Lets be fair, Trump and Sanders not far behind


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