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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Franklin Graham Gave a CHILLING Warning For Our Country

If we as a country turn our back on God’s teachings, then what will happen? According to Franklin Graham, Obama has led the country in celebrating sin, and we’re experiencing a moral decline because of it.

Evangelist Franklin Graham said that both he and his father, famed preacher Billy Graham, are most concerned about the “moral decline” that they see in American culture, accusing the Obama administration of “celebrating sin” in a recent interview with The Church Boys podcast.

“Our country has changed so much, and we’ve seen the moral decline — and that moral decline being led by the Obama administration, and championing things like same-sex marriage, which is really defiance against God,” Graham said. “Same-sex marriage is a sin against God. God made us male and female.”

The evangelist, who was in New York to discuss his father Billy Graham’s new book, “Where I Am: Heaven, Eternity, and Our Life Beyond,” then reiterated his belief that President Barack Obama’s administration has been facilitating and holding up “sin.”

“And then to say that marriage is between two men or two women, this is sin and the Obama administration is celebrating sin and they are pushing sin,” he continued.



  1. If that is what you believe Franklin then don't enter a same sex marriage. You have no right to tell others how to live.

    1. So you would have no problem with a man and two women or a woman and her dog? How about a grown man and a three year old? Or how about two males and three dead women?

  2. And those of the same sex who marry, have no right to infringe their beliefs on anyone else.

    1. Fair enough.

      No gay couple should have the right to dictate that other people must marry another person of the same sex.

      And no straight couple should insist others must only get hooked up with someone of the opposite sex.

      See how simple that is?

  3. As a Christian and evangelist, Franklin Graham has a responsibility to warn people that what they're doing is sin. He's speaking the truth, out of love for those who are headed for destruction. He endures the scorn and derision from people like you, 9:54, because he cares about where you will spend eternity.

  4. Franklin Graham is in it for the money. Wake up people.

  5. Franklin Graham, Billy's son, is no Billy Graham.

  6. As a Christian and evangelist, Franklin Graham has a responsibility to warn people that what they're doing is sin

    Does he warn people about tattoos and cutting their hair, etc?

  7. 9:54, 11:51, 12:01, 12:32. You seem very angry . You (I think you are all the same person) don't have to stay in that place. Billy Graham wrote a great book called Peace with God. Check it out.

    1. Charles Darwin wrote a great book called the Origin of the Species. Check it out.

  8. Why should we care? Didn't another of these preachers say the world would end today? I am still waiting for that.

  9. Maybe Franklin should read his father's book. Seems he is the angry one.

  10. Marriage is between a man and a woman and everyone will stand before God on judgment day and give an account on how they lived their life. Gays can't redefine what God has already set in place. Gays are the ones who are angry cause they know they are wrong. They know the male reproduction part was never made to go into another man. Or the female to lay down with another female the same way as a male and female. The gays are always pushing their agenda on everyone else like the example of the cake shop not making a cake for the day couple. The gays just want to start trouble, they only care about their side and don't respect someone else who disagrees with them.

  11. AMEN to Franklin and his dad. GOD's word will not come back to him hollow.

  12. Hey 10:21, 1:35 here. Looking past your sarcasm, Darwin's work was great. Not all christians are 6-day creationists. Francis Collins is one of the greatest living scientists, and he believes evolution is real, with no contradiction of his christian faith. It takes far more faith to believe there is no creator than to believe the universe just happened ex nihilo. What precedent in nature is there for THAT? Hope you keep searching ...

  13. 5:41 you said your a Christian?

  14. Yep. Born again, accepted Jesus as Savior, believe in his virgin birth, bodily resurrection, believe He is the only way to the Father, renounce Satan, etc. Very imperfect, that's why I need Jesus. How about you?


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