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Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Viewer Writes: Tell me about your tin foil hat again?


  1. No. Similar hair but faces different.

  2. I think it is her. Look at her hair part in the Oregon pic and Boston pic. Stupid liberals.

  3. Wow she has bad luck.

  4. Sure looks like the same person. I guess I am not the only person who has thought there is more to these events than coincidence.

  5. All of these events were inspired by muslims and Christian haters.

  6. This time they have integrated an ingredient involving religious persecution. Trying to garner support from the religious right. Typical divide and conquer strategy. They're going after the guns people. Wake up!!

  7. "Wag the dog" - yes, they can manufacture the scene in a very short time!

  8. I wonder how much she gets paid for each gig? Does she get medical insurance & retirement with that?

  9. I don't know if this was manufactured or not but it has certainly been used to distract us. Did anyone see how Obama closed our last Uranium enrichment plant on the nightly news? Me neither. How about Russia bombing Syria? Not much. They would rather talk to some guy on Dancing with the Stars who wasn't even in Oregon at the time.

  10. @8:06 find your own news rather than what the politically owned news stations feel like feeding you.

  11. So, just to clarify, you people deny that mass shootings occur at all? Or do you think that someone perpetrates these acts to bring about stricter gun laws. Please enlighten me.

  12. 8:53, Agreed - I too would like to be enlightened.
    PRESIDENT Obama has been in office for how many years and where are these stricter gun laws these morons have been fearing? He's coming to get our guns...take away our rights...he's Satan in disguise...all sick conservative rhetoric. "Take our Country back." No thank you!

  13. 9:43.......
    That you Ireton? Or is it Jake Day?

  14. 9:43
    "Obama has been in office how many years..."

    And look at what a mess he's made of just about everything he touches.

  15. 11:07 - care to elaborate? How about providing some examples of the mess the President has made by "touching?"

    How many jobs have been added under his administration?
    How many Americans now have health insurance?
    How much more or less does the US rely on imported oil compared to previous administrations?

  16. The Chemtrails are STRONG today! Whew!

  17. We need to get her to hang around Obama, with her luck she gets all those around her killed!

  18. They say everyone has a twin!

  19. LMAO... not even close.

  20. Not same girl sorry lol. I guess you think the powers that could pull this off could not afford differant actors. Come on man take the tin foil hat off and go back in the chicken house and huff some more chicken dust. You people amaze me. There are crazy people all over the world. Mental health is non existant in America. They have left them to society to handle and we see how that is working. If you have a crazy neighbor that owns guns you better buy one yourself you may need it.

  21. Hey, all, the pictures can't lie, and all these people did was to put them in an album to show you what is real.

    What you decide after that is your decision.

    I know what my conclusion is.

    In the big, Fundamental Change scenario, what's 10 to 100 lives domestically when it serves to disarm the citizens? Hell, we lose that in a few hours sometimes in a foreign conflict just fighting over oil!. All you need is one crazy suicidal idiot, several bad actors, and a few swat teams and, VOILA!

    America becomes Nazi Germany! POOF!

    Wake up, sheeple!

  22. Not the topic of this thread, but let's get you some answers:

    Q:How many jobs have been added under his administration?

    A:Damn few when compared to the jobs LOST under this administration.

    Q:How many Americans now have health insurance?

    A: Even the administration can't seem to get an accurate figure for this. However, the CBO has estimated that this wonderful program will cost the taxpayer about $50,000 per person covered.

    Q:How much more or less does the US rely on imported oil compared to previous administrations?

    A: Quite a bit less - no thanks to Odumbo. He was busy throwing cash at Solyndra. You have American business to thank for this. Of course, we all know that 'they didn't build that'.

    Any more questions?

  23. I can see the facial and hair differences among all these young women, despite how similar they are.

  24. I happen to know this girl,and she was indeed the one in all of the above photos.She works for the CIA

  25. Seriously people. Why is gun violence only an issue to Obama and the mainstream media when there is a mass shooting involving the slaying Christians most recently. What about Chicago, Baltimore, and Los Angeles the last two weekend? I've think they had more than 9. And funny these places have some of the strictest gun laws in the country. Guns don't kill people. Knives don't kill people, cars don't kill people. Other people's actions kill people. Any student of history knows the routine. This strategy has been played out time and time again. The only difference is we have social and instant media. Hitler would be drooling. We are in the scare phase. Make guns seem so sinful and kill enough people in gun free zones to push the rest of the sick agenda

  26. Fake events - all of them


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