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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

‘Clock Kid’ Ahmed Mohamed Visits White House, Meets Obama

WASHINGTON (AP) — Ahmed Mohamed, the Texas teenager arrested after a homemade clock he brought to school was mistaken for a bomb, capped a whirlwind month with a visit to the White House on Monday.

Ahmed got a personal invitation from President Barack Obama for “Astronomy Night.” The two met and chatted briefly during Monday night’s event.

Earlier Monday, Ahmed said he was grateful for the president’s support and said he’s OK with the nickname that so many have given him over the past few weeks — “clock kid.”

He said the lesson of his experience is: “Don’t judge a person by the way they look. Always judge them by their heart.”

Last month, Ahmed brought the clock to his school to show a teacher, but another teacher thought it could be a bomb. The school contacted police, who ultimately chose not to charge Ahmed with having a hoax bomb, though he was suspended from school.



  1. Considering what we now know about this kid and his family - how did he get cleared to go to visit POSOTUS?

  2. Way much too much ado about nothing.

  3. It seems like this White House prides itself on dreaming up clever ways to spit in our faces.

  4. If Obama had a son he would make a clock that looks like a bomb.

  5. I hope he takes his bomb with him.

  6. And yet several Vets have done spectacular things and have never been invited, of course most wouldn't go to shake hands with a POS!

  7. The teachers did the right thing by calling the police. How awful it would have been if they had ignored calling and it ended up being a real bomb.

  8. 30 years ago, this wouldn't have been news. Kid might've gotten sent to the principal's office and advised not to do it again. But the "zero tolerance" policies have led to such immediate, overwrought reactions from the schools. They have little choice. If kids had gone home and told their parents about the Mohamed kid bringing what looked like a bomb to school, there would have been a huge outcry. And rightfully so, especially now we know his family's propensity for trouble.

    Since it's been repeatedly and exhaustively demonstrated that not only was this not a bomb, but he didn't even "make" a clock, why is he still being paraded around like some national hero?

  9. Notice he "forgot" to bring it to the White House.
    The Secret Service apparently now has an "amnesia" machine. If, for some reason, it doesn't work, they have back-up Uzi's. And they're always a little jumpy around strangers.
    I'm sure they had a private discussion about it.
    And screw "political correctness". That only works for you and I.
    That's called "real world".
    Keep cheering.


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