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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A Viewer Writes: Grass Still Growing

This is a tuft of grass growing thru a curb and sidewalk for at least the entire summer. Located on Carol Ave. and Rt 13. From what I have heard, the city doesn't cut it because it is not city property. Claiming that the railroad or state must cut it. Yet we pay the taxes that go to maintaining the health, safety and yes the landscaping of the city roads and sidewalks.


  1. They are claiming this is ornamental grass , a species of grass to beautify the city.

  2. Good Lord, if that tuft is so stressful, why did you not take action?.......like attack that tuft with a pair of scissors......oh, sorry to hear you can't bend over. Joe take a poll to see how many think that tuft is causing health and safety problems.to those who have not even noticed it.

    With all the problems actually needing attention, IMO this tuft would not make the list. So what if you pay taxes to destroy that tuft, IMO why wait for 4 or 5 employees to come rolling in to take an hour to chop that tuft in pieces. Stop expecting others to do something you are capable of taking care of. You could proudly brag, with head held high, "I killed a tuft' .

    I pay taxes for the county to clean and mow my ditches along a county road. They do not do it as often or as neatly as I wish, so I do it myself, I have never gotten on a blog and complained, never thought to do so, because I am capable of keeping my "tufts" cut. making my property neat - My kids and I also pick up .the trash you folks think belongs along my road.

    You need to get a life, stop with the "Nanny State Mentality" of thinking it is not your job. I guess you find it is easier to stir up crap on a blog than to kill a tuft, .

  3. That would be the railroad companies property and they were cited for it.

  4. Let me bring my string trimmer down there. Oh, hope they don't fine me for cutting down something that is supposed to be there.

  5. You want the city to send out a truck with 5 employees and a pair of shears , 4 people will watch while on cell phones , the other will take most of the day to cut this mess. They will also hire the outside contractor to direct traffic away from the sidewalk area . Total cost to the tax payers will be somewhere in the neighborhood of $3,500.00 . What a deal , right Ireton and Day .. Excuse , we are putting people to work (stand around ).

  6. Send one of the firemen , stop playing pool for 5 minutes .

  7. Just how does this tiny piece of grass hurt anyone? Some people obviously have to much time on their hands.

  8. Anon. 7:38, I am not sure anyone could have said that better! :-) Thank you!

  9. I see all these comments and wonder, have you ever been hit with a fine or a demand letter from the City? I have, for grass growing in the curb ON THE STREET.

    Funny how some of you don't see the irony here. That being said, by now the City should have cut this grass and sent the R/R a bill. Obviously that's not the case.

  10. If it bothers you so much, call Donnie Drewer at State Highway in Salisbury. Or better yet, visit his compound and see how immaculately it's maintained before anything else gets done by his road crews. If they kept highways looking like what's behind that fence you'd think you were driving down a millionaire's private driveway.

  11. The city presents each spring notification that all homeowners are responsible to keep grass to no more than 8", and snow removal is to be done within so many days. So the city should show by example regardless of what dept, same goes for business owners step up comply with the law--clear now?


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