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Saturday, October 17, 2015

C.J. Pearson, Conservative Black Teen, Denounced

C.J. Pearson, the 13-year-old conservative black activist who made media waves with his critical insights into President Obama’s psyche, has come under attack from a somewhat surprising source: his sixth-grade teacher.

BizPac Review reported Pearson said his teacher at Columbia Middle School in Evans, Georgia, told fellow students he was “not worth saving in a fire.” AllenBWest.com, the blog of former Florida congressman, Allen West, also said Pearson claimed the teacher, named Michael Garrison, told students he “hates him [C.J.].”

According to Pearson, the students also told him that Garrison accused Pearson of cheating on a vocabulary test when he was in sixth grade, a charge that Pearson vehemently denies.

“It’s always great having a teacher that’s not only a liberal bully, but someone who engages in slander,” Pearson told BizPac Review.

As AllenBWest.com reported: “Pearson said, ‘My words are bold and I don’t expect everyone to agree. But to have a teacher say this about me? Completely inexcusable. I hope the Columbia County School District addresses this. Also, our school has zero tolerance bullying standards for students. I hope that standard isn’t easily forgotten when it comes to teachers.”



  1. The teacher should and will be fired , this is pathetic.

    1. So your automatically believing a story from a 10 year old? Pathetic is the correct word.

    2. Awwww pathetic obama lover.

  2. 346, apparently didn't even read the 1st sentence of the article. Typical liberal.


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