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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Celebrities, Activists Appear in Video Promoting 'Black-Palestinian Solidarity'

A group of black celebrities, protestors from the Black Lives Matter movement, and Palestinian political activists have just released a video that compares Palestinians killed by Israeli forces and settlers with blacks in America who have been killed by police.

The video, titled “When I See Them I See Us,” was released by a range of African-American and Palestine-solidarity groups. The video features over 60 people, including singer Lauryn Hill, actor Danny Glover, writers Alice Walker and Angela Davis, Cornel West, and rapper Boots Riley. They are joined by a number of Palestinian figures..

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  1. And they wonder why they never get ahead and people don't like them. These are the idiots the blacks look up too. Just like the ST LOUIS rams players coming out the field with the hands up.

  2. Rev. Wright was at the Million Man March the other day telling people that Jesus was a Palestinian. I sure am glad that Obama doesn't listen to him any more.

  3. Treators to America. And terrorist supporter.


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