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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Webb drops out of Democratic presidential race

Former Virginia Sen. Jim Webb drops his bid for the Democratic nomination for president.



  1. It's a shame he could not articulate his ideas more eloquently. He is a real stand-up guy. Has a great family.

    Not slick like Hillary and the also-ran O'Malley. Not a nut like Sanders-the socialist king. Not a dingbat like Chaffee.

  2. He's actually better than a few of the Republican candidates in my opinion...he has military service and would make an acceptable Commander in Chief...unlike the current POS in chief!

  3. Hey 1:29 , Hillary doesn't think for herself , she has a multitude of advisers who tell her exactly what to say and what not to say.
    She is really dumb as a brick , she couldn't tell you who's on first or what's sides up . Best thing that could happen to her and for us would be the firing squad for her e-mails and Bengasi .


  5. Obama Crooked BastardoOctober 20, 2015 at 5:53 PM

    The fact Webb is a Veteran and decided to turn Democrat due to his opposition to War in Iraq after 9/11 makes him The Only Decent Candidate of the Party. And look what do they have to offer now - nowadays you have to be Slimey, Liar, Socialist, Smiling and Giggling while refusing to answer any questions or offer any solutions. Welcome to the DEMOC-RAT SOCIALIST PARTY, WHERE THE BIGGEST CROOK WINS.

  6. Maybe winding up as the worst Democrat on the ticket makes you the best reason to join and fight for the Republican agenda! Time to assess your values, Mr. Webb!


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