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Friday, October 09, 2015

Carson: If We Pay $10 Million a Day, It Will Take 5,000 Years to Pay Off National Debt

Dr. Ben Carson was the guest on ABC’s The View on Tuesday but Mrs. Lacena “Candy” Carson was in the audience, and when asked about her grandchildren, Mrs. Carson said when she looks at them she reminds herself that the national debt is over $18 trillion and will take 5,000 years to pay off — if we pay $10 million every day, 365 days a year — and “we can’t do that to them.”

“But when I see these [babies], it just makes me more determined that whatever I can do, I’m going to do,” said Mrs. Carson. “Because it’s not fair to them.”



  1. Probably that is at our current zero interest rate plan. Rumblings are that the "Fed" wants to raise them soon.
    Looks like we need to pay it back at 100x that rate like right now! Get it done in 50 years?

    Can't happen. We are bankrupt. our money is worthless. We hold trash in our hands at the end of the week!

    It's coming, folks. Your money will become something to start the campfire with.

  2. Ben, Ben, Ben! That's if you're an honest person who is responsible for his or her own dealings!

    The FED doesn't deal with such silly trivialities, you silly goose!

    There has to be a time when dollars will be worth a penny to get this monkey off our back, so just be ready for that.

    There is no other answer as I see it.

    Anyone else have an opinion?

  3. PS, Ben, I love your platform and hope you are my next president! Donald will be a great VP!

  4. If you spend $10M a day, a $15 T debt would take 4 yrs to pay off. Looks like Ben isn't any good at math either, but then again, he didn't know we have a debt ceiling

  5. 9:18 Reality, please. Trump will NEVER be anyone's VP.

  6. Dear 9:51 , you are the one who needs a lesson in math .
    It's 18 trillion in debt at the present. It will take 5,000 years to pay off at the rate of 10 million a day . 10m X 365 X 5,000=18.25 trillion.
    Of course I could have made a mistake , or maybe you have.
    Obama has "no" debt ceiling.


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