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Friday, October 09, 2015

Appeals Court Upholds Worcester Burglary Verdict

BERLIN — A Maryland appeals court this month upheld the conviction of a Delaware man sentenced last year to five years for the break-in and robbery of an unoccupied Whaleyville residence.

The Maryland Court of Special Appeals last week ruled in the appeal filed by Kevin Hocker, 30, of Dagsboro, upholding the appellant’s appeal of a Worcester County Circuit Court conviction last fall. Hocker was found guilty of first-degree burglary and theft last year and was sentenced to a combined 25 years, all but five of which was then suspended, but appealed the conviction on several grounds including the assertion there was no nexus between his possession of the stolen goods to the break-in.

The burglary occurred on Aug. 8, 2013, at a residence on Murray Rd. in Whaleyville. On that morning, the female victim locked her house and went to work a 12-hour shift. While at work, the victim received a call that her husband, who was a patient in a hospital in Baltimore, had gone into cardiac arrest. The victim left work and drove to Baltimore, but by the time she arrived, her husband had passed away.


1 comment:

  1. Kevin Hocker the lazy thief will have sufficient time to think about his actions of greed, however I doubt that he'll extend any empathy for his victim, who on top of having to leave her work/job early, drive the long trip to Baltimore, then only to find out that her husband has died, then drive back home with the weight of death and burial only to arrive at her home and find the after effects of Kevin the Greedy. I wish Kevin the full five years in jail and hope that he screws up and the state gives him even more of the time he deserves, for his actions.


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