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Wednesday, September 16, 2015



  1. How about that. I could not have said it any better.

  2. Obama hates the military and Veterans.

  3. Pretty sure there are methods in place to help veterans on their return from war.


  4. I am not an Obama fan but you should be informed that the problems at our Veterans Administration go back 20 to 25 years,so what President's are we talking about.

  5. People ..When are you all going to get over it and see that WE LOST as a country and will soon be under terrorist rule and their is nothing we can do at this point to stop it. And once all these folks and hidden criminals sneak in as refuges and then go on attack we are DONE and I mean DONE. As it will be too late as we know their are thousands here now planning and awaiting backups to start the War within what we once knew as America.
    So lets stop crying and face it...YOU all put them in office time after time and then wanna come to Joe's blog and cry..so stop crying and plan your escape to Canada.


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