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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Russians given day off work to make babies

Workers in a Russian region have been given today off to have sex in a bid to boost the birth rate.

Today has been declared the Day of Conception in Ulyanovsk, Lenin's birthplace, when couples are told go to home and multiply.

If they succeed they could win a car, cash or a fridge.

Under the city council's "Give Birth to a Patriot" scheme, those who give birth on June 12, Russia Day, will get a prize.

The winning couple of the grand prize - a locally made 4x4 car - are judged by a committee on criteria such as "respectability" and "commendable parenting".

The scheme is championed by the Ulyanovsk governor, Sergei Morozov.

"The leadership (of the country) is interested in the family," he told AP Television News.

Since the scheme started three years ago the region's birth rate has increased.



  1. Now that is what you call Hump Day!

  2. keeping up with blacks in the U.S. , but of course that's everyday for them.

  3. The millions of Muslim "refugees" would certainly jack up their birth rate. Except that they aren't taking any. Smart.

  4. President Clinton tried to get this up and running from the oral, I mean oval office years ago.

  5. 10:56 Monica was using an Oral contraceptive named "Swallow".


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