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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Wicomico Paddle Partnership River Clean Up 10/24

We've got the paddles and pdf's - now all we need is PEOPLE!

Wicomico Paddle Partnership
River Clean Up 

What better way to clean up our local waterway than to grab a net and a trash bag... hop on a canoe/kayak and start paddling!  The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Environmental Studies Department at Salisbury University and the Salisbury City Public Works will be hosting an On-The-Water River Paddle Clean Up as part of an initiative ignited by the Beautification/Environmental Affairs Committee.   

Saturday October 24, 2015, 2-4pm

Launching and Docking from Riverside Boat Ramp -
538 Riverside Drive, Salisbury MD
  Networking at Brew River after 4pm

RSVP - Sophia Smecker at ssmecker@salisburyarea.com or 410-749-0144 


  1. I believe Salisbury bought a special boat for that a while back but as I recall the boat, over $100,000 worth, was only used a couple times a month for one summer then...poof! ...it disappeared! Never to be seen or heard from again

  2. For the total environmental approach a regular boat with an electric outboard should be an option.

  3. Another week and it will be full of crap again.

  4. Call it the Poo patrol going out on sludge watch for floaters!

  5. Salisbury has a float across the river on the East side of Route 13 that contains trash and debris there. That area really needs to be cleaned up.
    The boat used for cleaning trash out of the river was surplused and sold to a private company. Never should have left the city.
    Salisbury public works is out on a small skiff with crabnets diligently cleaning the river every day.

  6. We have paddles and pdf's??? Pdf's ??? Really, so the kayaking water spies who paddle around taking pictures and reporting land owners to DNR have pdf's. I think they mean pfd's. Personal flotation devices.

    1. Yeah I picked up on that too. Who is proofing their stuff?

  7. Hey idiot mayor ireton why sont you hop in the river First fool.

  8. Start giving tixkets to people in the good who.are dropping there trash on the streets that make it into the River.

  9. Our downtown area including the river walk will never be revitalized! Most cities in the U.S. with these assets work hard to upkeep and take pride in their downtown areas. We have the sewer called the "Wicomico river" and the citizens and businesses of the Salisbury area treating the river as a toilet and landfill. If I were a businessman I would never invest in the downtown area. This is and has always been a LOST cause. The leadership of Salisbury and the County Council do not have the intelligence or pride enough to change what exists. This area is an embarrassment and poorly reflects on the city, county and its leadership.

  10. Waterfront section 8 housing brought to you by Gillis, Ireton, Day, and the other morons. Laugh out loud funny!

    1. Yep the section 8 crowd need to see from there waterfront view the tax payers going to work.

  11. Yeah. What a terrible idea. the river is sure to get much cleaner if we all just sit back and criticize the efforts of others.

  12. Will need a skimmer boat to get all the floaters! The Wicomico river is a cesspool! I would use my boat at any cost! It would need to be clean and sanitized afterword!

  13. I've got a feeling this is the Chamber of Commerce looking after their boi again to make sure he gets elected to the Council. Wouldn't want him to get caught in another lie.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Our downtown area including the river walk will never be revitalized! Most cities in the U.S. with these assets work hard to upkeep and take pride in their downtown areas. We have the sewer called the "Wicomico river" and the citizens and businesses of the Salisbury area treating the river as a toilet and landfill. If I were a businessman I would never invest in the downtown area. This is and has always been a LOST cause. The leadership of Salisbury and the County Council do not have the intelligence or pride enough to change what exists. This area is an embarrassment and poorly reflects on the city, county and its leadership.

    September 10, 2015 at 7:50 AM

    The County Council has nothing to do with that sewer downtown you dumb moron. The city ruined it, let the city pay for it.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Waterfront section 8 housing brought to you by Gillis, Ireton, Day, and the other morons. Laugh out loud funny!

    September 10, 2015 at 8:24 AM

    Yep, affordable housing in the Ghetto. Isn't that sweet. Salisbury had a chance to stop the Condo's in Ghetto for the "arts" crowd, but they blew it. That river side of town will never amount to anything in my life time. Especially with Perdue Processing plant there.

  16. Hey genius, the city and county ALL people who utilize the downtown are responsible; you are the moron!

  17. 8:53 It's not my job to pickup after people that can't place their refuse in a trash can rather than throwing it on the ground or in the river. There are littering laws - enforce them. I've spent time in countries where littering is not tolerated and is enforced aggressively. The streets and waterways are clean. The urban residents don't care about their own property, do you think they are going to respect public property? Use inmates/work release convicts to clean up the mess.

  18. Really? 2 hours? It's going to take several full days to get the trash out of the river in that area. This is nothing more than a feel good publicity stunt with a beer chaser at Brew River.

  19. If Jake is still uncontested he doesn't even have to promise downtown prosperity to get elected.

  20. Do I get a hazmat suit?

  21. No one ran against Day, the idiot city voters deserve what they get, more crime, more bars, more graft, more crony capitalism, more baby factory hood rats, it is truly a shame.

  22. Here's a thought: let's make the welfare recipients clean up not only the river, but also their neighborhoods.

  23. So it is true that around 2005 or 2006 the City included in its budget and purchased a Pontoon boat that was to be used to clean up the river. This was funded by the water and sewer fund. This Pontoon boat sat in the City yard for a year or two and now I guess it has disappeared. I wonder what happened to it???? Someone may want to look into this. Was about $80,000 or so.

  24. The mare will be leading the fleet. No?

  25. The skimmer boat got sold to a local marine contractor.


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