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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Martin O'Malley: Lady Liberty should open arms to Syrian refugees

We must not forget what’s inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled...

Posted by Martin O'Malley on Wednesday, September 9, 2015


  1. And Ireland should take back Martin O'Malley!!!!!!

  2. Black lives matter need to come shut him up again. Lets give the Muzzie bus drivers O'Malley's address.

  3. Hope he is not our next President

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    And Ireland should take back Martin O'Malley!!!!!!

    September 10, 2015 at 10:32 AM

    They don't want him. That is why he is still here!!

  5. Maybe they can stay at his house with all the new furniture!

  6. Did I miss the part where it says your armed terrorists that only want to destroy this country? I would personally have no problem taking the Christian Syrians in because they have truly been persecuted. The rest are just tired of ISIS blowing up their backyards.

    1. B.S.! they will sneak in here and cause us a whole lot of problems we don't need. Trump has it right. We have enough of our own problems we need to fix before we start taking on everyone elses. We have been doing that for years and it has dragged us into the mud. We give billions of dollars we don't have to help people in other nations only to have those same people burn our flags and chant "Death to America". Over and over we do the same thing and what do we expect? Do we expect something different? THAT is the definition of insanity. And liberal Democrats are the poster children for insanity.

  7. "Give me your ISIS operatives, ready to blow up buildings in the USA" What a joke this guy is-and he thinks that he will be President?? Somebody give him a quarter so that he can buy a clue-or some more cheap "used furniture" from the Gov.'s Mansion. Go Away!

  8. Anonymous said...
    Did I miss the part where it says your armed terrorists that only want to destroy this country? I would personally have no problem taking the Christian Syrians in because they have truly been persecuted. The rest are just tired of ISIS blowing up their backyards.

    September 10, 2015 at 11:23 AM

    You just don't get it do you Moron! We don't need any more damn foreigners in this Country. At what point do you say enough is enough.

  9. Thanks, Martin. You can put your head back where it was now.

  10. I do not think the bunch needs any help from us arming themselves.

  11. He FTD up Baltimore, then the state, now the country.

  12. O'Malley should be ignored much like people ignore Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. I don't think any of the three are capable of an intelligent, rational statement. Three of the dumbest people on the planet.

  13. U take em in your house O,idiot.

  14. no old people , no women, no children. Just young to 30 something males.
    ..."from within", folks..."from within".


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