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Thursday, September 24, 2015

US-trained Rebels 'Betray US' and Hand Weapons Over to al-Qaeda

Pentagon-trained rebels in Syria are reported to have betrayed their American backers and handed their weapons over to al-Qaeda in Syria immediately after re-entering the country.

Fighters with Division 30, the “moderate” rebel division favored by the United States, surrendered to the al-Qaeda-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusra, a raft of sources claimed on Monday night.

Division 30 was the first faction whose fighters graduated from a US-led training program in Turkey which aims to forge a force on the ground in Syria to fight against Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil).

A statement on Twitter by a man calling himself Abu Fahd al-Tunisi, a member of al-Qaeda’s local affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra, read: "A strong slap for America... the new group from Division 30 that entered yesterday hands over all of its weapons to Jabhat al-Nusra after being granted safe passage.

"They handed over a very large amount of ammunition and medium weaponry and a number of pick-ups."

More here


  1. there is another $50 million in the dump. we are such fools

  2. No more teaching them and arming them . we need to go right back over there and flatten everything. Kill every breathing creature. Make it the waste land it truley is.

  3. What a waste. Obama on Eric Holder knew this was going to happen!

  4. My dog could see this coming. Obama and his peeps can't be that damn stupid. This was all about getting arms to his pals, relatives, and supporters in al-Qaeda.


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