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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Trump Called ‘Racist’ in Opening Monologue for Emmys

If you don't support amnesty, you're racist, according to Hollyweird leftists

“Donald Trump is running for president — to the delight of uncles everywhere.”

It took about five minutes for Donald Trump to be mentioned during the 67th Primetime Emmy Awards on Sunday night.

Host Andy Samberg took a shot at the GOP presidential frontrunner during his opening monologue.

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  1. Andy who... Trump for president.

  2. Since when is "Illegal Immigrant" a race? What race is that, anyway?

  3. As always the libitards cannot debate the facts just yell and call people name. What is the term RACISTS mean?? For Democrats it means I CAN'T DEBATE YOU I HAVE NO FACTS. SO I'LL CALL YOU RACISTS AND MAYBE YOU'LL SHUT UP.

  4. Screw those liberals. Stop watching them and their failed ventures will put them in the soup lines. They live well off of capitalism!!

  5. unfortunately, 11 million people still watched that garbage.

    i am on the verge of pulling the plug on TV entirely.

    to think i'm paying close to $200.00 per month and this is the stuff i get?

    i'd rather put that money into liquor.

    1. Beer's a better investment. Save the cans and turn them in for recycling, what's clean aluminum at now, .40/lb?

      Instant rebate!

  6. Who watches that show anyway...lol It's nothing more than a sound byte generator for the media to parrot.

  7. Two hours of self-congratulation. Two hours wasted by 11 million people.
    Take that $200 per month and put it somewhere that it will do some good for you, instead of throwing it away on stuff designed to numb your brain.

  8. OF course whoever Andy Samberg is, he has a right to his opinion. It is a shame that "celebrities" use their power to make political statements. Somehow I doubt many Trump supporters care what Mr Samberg, whomever he is, care.

  9. Who is this Andy Samberg anyway? I've never heard of him. Anyway, he wasn't very funny. Please get someone else next year.

  10. LOL-What's a racist anymore. It is someone who tells people like it is instead of what they prefer to hear. Being called a racist should be considered an honor nowadays.

  11. "Donald Trump is running for president — to the delight of uncles everywhere," Samberg joked.

    I don't get it.


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