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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Term Limits


  1. This is the result of term limits not being enforced by the American people. Vote!

  2. Those you vote in there change their minds about term limits after serving one term. That's the problem!

  3. Every year we ALL hear people criticize local, state, and federal government. I asked if they voted? ? Most say no.

  4. 8:02am and most people are not very smart. Products of the edumication system.

  5. Congress will not impose term limits on themselves. THEY are the beneficiaries of their own corruption. The voters should impose the term limits by voting out every incumbent that has served, or is running, after 16 years. That means voting out incumbents in the primaries. Stick to your party lines, if you like, in the general elections, but vote out the corrupted ones (after 16 years, they are ALL corrupt, both parties) in the primaries. In lieu of Congress regulating themselves, this is the only way to clean it up. The republicans seem to have somewhat figured this out, but the democrats are lock-step demagogues, to the point they will support the worst of the worst just to KEEP their person in office.

  6. Some of those that have been there a while are doing good jobs, while some are not. Don't propose to get rid of someone just because they have been there a while.

  7. Head 'em up and move 'em OUT

  8. 10:07 AM

    It's what we do with presidents. What's good for the goose, is good for the gander. BTW, it was CONGRESS that proposed the constitutional amendment for term limits on the presidency (after only 4 terms for FDR). If a congressman can't enact his agenda in 16 years, move aside and let someone else try. The job of representative is not supposed to be a career. Term limits are the answer to what's wrong with congress, and to the fact they no longer represent the people, rather they represent their own interests, and are all therefore corrupt.

  9. 10:07 just woke up.
    VOTE them out?? LOL!
    DRAG them out and hang them. Right in front of each other.
    Put it on TV. Might be a good lesson for wanna-be future thieves and liars looking for a career in bribery and corruption.
    It's called "watering the Tree of Liberty".
    It comes highly recommended by some very influential and smart people.

    Or......just keep cheering the current set of thieves, liars, pedophiles, alcoholics, adulterers, cheats, tax evaders, and above-the-law multi-millionaires who are doing such a fine job "representing" you. And improving our nation.
    I'm guessing that you prefer the cheering....


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