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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

#ShoutYourAbortion Proves That Modern Liberalism Is A Satanic Death Cult

This has already been quite the banner week for abortion disciples.

Just a few hours ago, Democrats voted down a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks. Only three Democrats voted for the bill to protect children from murder after five months of development, while two truly despicable Republicans, Susan Collins and Mark Kirk, voted against it. They should be out of a job when it comes time for reelection, and if I was in charge of these things, I’d put them both in prison, along with almost all of the Democrats, for facilitating the murder of thousands of innocent human lives. Remember, if you support late term abortion, you are in favor of killing babies who can survive outside the womb. This is a radical, insane, extremist position, and one that is considered by progressives to be not only mainstream, but mandatory.

Progressives love to say they aren’t “pro-abortion,” but that is a more and more self-evident lie. Nobody who possesses even the slightest hint of a moral qualm with abortion could actually oppose a bill to protect kids after five months in the womb. Similarly, nobody who isn’t an enormous fan of abortion could be anything but repulsed by the hip new fad swept through the internet like wild fire yesterday.

It’s called #ShoutYourAbortion, and it encourages women to boast confidently of killing their children. The hashtag has been trending on Twitter for over a day, and many hundreds and thousands of women have taken the opportunity to “shout” with pride about the magical wonders of baby murder. I’m sure the aborted babies would have loved to participate in this campaign, but they’re all dead and decomposed in dumpsters or dissected in petri dishes.



  1. Our Maryland and Delaware Senators voted to murder the over twenty week old waiting to be born babies today. They will go home tonight and be fat and happy, then they will most likely go see the Pope give his speech in our Capitol. I would not be shocked if " the Mighty Swift Sword" is drawn.

  2. Judgment day isn't going to be a lot of fun for these women.
    I can understand shame, regret, sadness, anxiety.
    But PRIDE?
    They have lost their way.....

  3. I saw this on my facebook feed earlier today. How can anyone celebrate that they murdered their child. 99% of the time it is for selfish reasons. I hope they all rot in a very HOT place.

  4. Keep in mind Jesus loves the little children and all these unborn babies have souls so when they die they go to Heaven and avoid any additional sorrow here on Earth where even the lives of people with the best of everything end in Earthy sorrow. Of course, an Atheist might have a problem with abortion since there is no life after death for them.

  5. Our country will pay a dear price for our inability to put curbs/stop abortion.

  6. Seems the liberals have a war on babies. How they can even try to justify killing a child is beyond anything my mind can comprehend.

  7. Simple solution: if you believe abortion is murder, then don't "murder" your own fetus.

    You don't have a say-so over anyone else's fetus but your own.

  8. Its said its a woman's choice. She also has a choice on whether she engages in sex. Rape and incest are the reasons most folks accept abortion. It should not be used as a form of birth control and the government should NOT be paying for it. Yea, yea yea I hear you saying its cheaper than welfare. Go back and re-read the second sentence.

  9. Killing babies makes them proud?

  10. 10:03...the logic in that statement, well, uh, there is no logic in that statement.
    More liberal drivel, guided by a low IQ and a good parroting of OTHER low IQ drivel.
    If I don't like the idea of raping 8 year old girls, I just mind my own business and don't get to say whether anyone else gets to rape them? It is, after all, NOT my eight year old girl.
    Further, is the fetus still only the concern of the woman? What if the MAN wants the child? He currently has no say, either.
    How about THIS --- Its for the children, for God's sake!!!!
    Or does that reasoning only work when it suits YOUR agenda?
    Keep cheering.


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