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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Rand Paul wins Michigan Straw Poll, Carly Fiorina Second

GOP presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) 93% won the 31st biannual presidential straw poll at the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference (MRLC) on Saturday.

Paul delivered the keynote speech prior to the straw poll results being announced.

Paul’s campaign said that the MRLC straw poll is the largest pre-caucus poll since the cancellation of the Iowa Straw Poll.

“Since established in 1953 by the Michigan Republican Party, the MRLC straw poll has been considered a gauge of where the grassroots and party leaders are leaning with regard to the presidential race. The straw poll was previously won by Gov. Mitt Romney in 2011,” noted Paul’s campaign in a press release.



  1. Another year, another loser!

  2. Agreed, 445! They picked the loser last time. Hey, they're TRENDING, though! That's the impotent thing! (pun intended}


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