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Saturday, September 05, 2015

Shocking: Young Girls Convulse On The Floor After HPV Shot


  1. Another big Pharma scam at our expense but hey they're making billions.

  2. Yeah..... Mandatory vaccines. You that are pushing for this..... I hope you get to watch your child convulse.

  3. this is likely in a third world country.The English speaker does not know where it is and hardly knows what is going on if at all.

    Very likely if these girls were given HVP labeled shots the medicine was tainted or counterfeit. Tainted or counterfeit drugs is a big problem even here in USA for people who try to save money by ordering drugs from foreign countries.

    It is not a big Pharma scam or about mandatory vaccines. The video, 5:27 and 5:54 are the scammers here.

  4. Ben Carson is FOR mandatory vaccines

  5. Keep wearing them foil hats folks. Refuse vaccines PLEASE! We need to thin the heard anyway, and might as well start with the mouth breathers.


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