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Saturday, September 05, 2015

More Taxpayers Leaving Maryland Than Moving Here

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) — More taxpayers have been leaving Maryland than moving here. The question is–why?

Political reporter Pat Warren explains there’s a mixture of reasons.

The IRS numbers don’t say why a person moved, but they certainly give critics an opportunity to point fingers at Maryland taxes.

Maryland taxes were all the talk in last year’s campaign for governor. During the debate on WJZ:

“There will be no new taxes,” said Anthony Brown.

“You and Martin O’Malley said exactly the same thing, and then you raised 40 taxes in a row,” Larry Hogan responded.

And Maryland voters felt it.



  1. I think the reasons are very clear, we have been taxed and feed into poverty. Even at a loss, it pays to move out of this state. None of these big plans to attract business are for nothing until the citizens are relieved from paying outrageous taxes and fees on just about everything. My county and City of Fruitland taxes are close to $6000 not including water, sewer, etc. The only thing City about Fruitland are the taxes.

  2. soon everything across the bridge is either going to be a ghost town or the United Nations. every American with any sense will be leaving this god awful state.

  3. I'll tell you why I am leaving. First of all the section 8 being allowed everywhere so the ghetto trash wreck every building in Salisbury. The fact that people in salisbury don't tip at all or give crap tips for delivery. 95 percent of blacks don't tip while pulling wads of cash out. But they can't afford their rent. They drive around in new cars while those of us supporting them drive beaters. I am sick of all of it. This city has ruined Maryland for me. It makes me disgusted to know I am from a welfare democrat ghetto friendly state. I cannot wait to leave this crap and all these leeches behind. I suggest anyone with sense and the means leave too. Salisbury is dead and now just one huge ghetto. Get out while you can.

  4. Sorry, you missed the boat the first couple times. Better late than never.

  5. It'll all even out shortly,so don't go where you think the grass is greener.It will be for a little while,but the moving expense will offset any financial advantages.Within 2 years of the time you leave you'll regret it.

  6. Big surprise. This state sucks. I hate it. Can't wait to get out of here.

  7. We flee where our demographics beckon.

  8. Md has always sucked, that's no surprise. The closer one gets to dc the worse it gets. There aren't many 'intelligent' jobs around here. So the smarter people go to where there are some. Even the professionals around here, doctors, lawyers and such, leave a lot to be desired.

    The media around here is run like romper room. We have a lot of police agencies in the area, but crime is through the roof. A few higher learning institutions but no real jobs when they graduate.

    A gay mayor and city council that makes it worse for the citizens. County council and BOE just do whatever they feel. A stinking chicken plant offending people as soon as they enter da'bury.

    You can't go out or walk around at night for fear of being robbed, raped and assaulted.

    A sheriff going all over the place on national tv telling the country the cops here are under siege and they are scared to do their job. Fortune 500 companies just love to hear that and can't wait to move here I bet.

    Geeesh, I think I just talked myself into moving away too.


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