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Monday, September 28, 2015

Poll: Most U.S. Muslims Would Trade Constitution For Shariah

'Quran should be highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion'

Ben Carson’s comment that he would not support a Shariah-compliant Muslim for president because Islamic law is incompatible with the U.S. Constitution led to the former brain surgeon’s roasting among media talkers and politicians of all stripes.

He has been excoriated as “anti-Muslim,” “bigoted,” even “anti-American” and unfit for office.

“For any candidate to suggest that someone should not be elected president because of what he or she may believe is nothing short of religious bigotry,” said Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., one of two Muslim congressmen.

But what do American Muslims believe?

The Council on America-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, which has been most vocal in its calls for Carson’s withdrawal from the GOP presidential race, claims to speak for American Muslims. The organization has a long history of ties to terrorists, as documented by WND’s “Rogues gallery of terror-tied leaders,” but it is still treated by most U.S. media as the Muslim equivalent of the American Civil Liberties Union.

According to a local newspaper report, Omar Ahmad, a founder of CAIR, told a conference hall packed with California Muslims in July 1998 that Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant.

The reporter paraphrased Ahmad saying, “The Quran … should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth.”

More here


  1. Oh course they would. Anyone who believes islam is a religion is beyond ignorant. It IS a way of life.

  2. Thats called TREASON.

  3. Over my cold dead body.

  4. We need to drive these terrorists out of our country! Start dumping pig feet and bacon on their Masques!

  5. Right. Islam is a totalitarian way of life with a religious component to it. It can be compared to a degree to the Amish.


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