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Monday, September 28, 2015

Mayors Of 18 Cities Say They Are Ready To Take More Syrian Refugees

Mayors from eighteen U.S. cities signed a letter to President Obama saying they are willing to take even more refugees than what has been proposed by the administration.

“We will welcome the Syrian families to make homes and new lives in our cities,” wrote the mayors, all of whom are part of the Cities United for Immigration Action coalition.

“Indeed, we are writing to say that we stand ready to work with your Administration to do much more and to urge you to increase still further the number of Syrian refugees the United States will accept for resettlement.”

“This is a challenge we can meet, and the undersigned mayors stand ready to help you meet it,” they wrote.

The mayors who signed included New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh.



  1. All the dumbocrat mayors of $4!thole cities are willing to let their cities become worse - for the potential of more votes.....

  2. Most of the cities listed including Baltimore need fresh meat anyhow.
    They have killed off so many.
    As long as those cities support and keep them and don't ask for the rest of us to do so.

    We have enough of our own citizens homeless on the streets.
    What about them?????

  3. Just what the Mayor of Balto & State of MD need - isn't it disgusting how the poor and down-trodden are money-making units (human capital) for the ruling-class elites?

  4. Figures that Baltimore would welcome more welfare trash to go along with what they have now.

  5. This is hijrah.. a massive migration of muslims to overwhelm and conquer western countries.

    And these bleeding-heart mayors are going to facilitate that.

    How dumb can you be?

  6. WTF!! Just what we need you liberal POS.There must be money involved if Stephanie Rawlings-Blake wants to be a part of it.

    Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake you have already cost this state millions with your riot alone and now you are allow ISIS into our state.

    Governor Hogan please put a stop to this.

    I will no longer go to see the Orioles or the Ravens. Yesterdays Ravens game may have been my last game. I will never go downtown to the inner harbor. Maryland is done.

  7. Anonymous said...
    This is hijrah.. a massive migration of muslims to overwhelm and conquer western countries.

    And these bleeding-heart mayors are going to facilitate that.

    How dumb can you be?

    September 28, 2015 at 10:23 AM

    So true!

  8. Dumb bunch of mayors is all I know. How stupid can you possibly get??

  9. Hasn't someone put that piece of trash out of her misery yet! This influx of militant Muslims is going to ruing our state. They will be in Salisbury next.

  10. So mayors have the authority to invite masses of foreigners to "settle" in their towns?

    "Come into my parlor, said the fly to the spider".

  11. As they come in they are being registered to vote as Democrats.

  12. Let them move in with the dems houses.


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