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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Pastor Outed In Ashley Madison Hack Commits Suicide

“He talked about depression. He talked about having his name on there, and he said he was just very, very sorry.”

John Gibson, a 56-year-old pastor who taught at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary was found dead by his wife, Christi, on August 24 in their on-campus home.

Gibson had committed suicide, his family said.

“It was a moment that life doesn't prepare you for,” Christi told CNN this week. “I had to call my kids. How do you tell your kids that their dad is gone and that he took his own life?”

Less than a week before, Gibson had been one of the more than 30 million people whose names were leaked by hackers of Ashley Madison, the hookup website for people seeking extramarital affairs.

Christi said that being outed “carried such a shame” for her husband.



  1. God forgave, his wife forgave -- everyone else should have forgiven, too.

  2. I bet there are some at SPD who are worried.

  3. aaah--a cheater with a conscience

  4. He knew it was sinful and felt shame. He was a coward though. Should have thought more about wife and kids than himself.

  5. So, just don't cheat. I did my whole life without it. You can, too!

    Pretty simple math... Live your whole life proudly with morals.

  6. @8:25 how do you know that God forgave? This Man of God not only committed one cardinal sin by committing Adultery, he committed an even bigger sin by taking his own life!

  7. Adultery is abuse. He was clearly sick.

  8. God does NOT forgive indiscriminately. God ONLY forgives when one confesses his sins and does not keep on repeating the sin over and over. There is much proof in the Bible.

    1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

    God forgives His children when they sin if only they come to Him and in an attitude of repentance and ask to be forgiven. This pastor would only have been forgiven had he confessed and removed his name from the site and became faithful to his wife.

  9. 8:57 He wasn't sick. He was a cheater who got caught, and didn't have the balls to face the consequences.

    Saying he was sick, is just a way to remove the personal responsibility for his actions.

  10. 9:20 yes you are correct. By sick I meant depraved/gross...having anonymous sexual encounters is truly disgusting. It was totally his choice.

  11. Amazing, how he took action after he got CAUGHT. I DONT FORGIVE HIM.

  12. So many of you are so shallow and judgmental. I am not judging what took place here. Couple relationships are complicated. I wonder what the exact conditions are that have kept my wife and I faithful to each other for almost 50 years of marriage when the same is not true for so many.I think we are both still in love. I know I am. My wife and I must must talk each others love language.


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