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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Expansion coming to Ocean Downs

Details were sparse on the specifics, but the Casino at Ocean Downs on Tuesday began work on an expansion project, the purpose of which remains undefined.

General Manager Joe Cavilla confirmed the work was under way.

“The foundation for the expansion building construction did start this morning,” he said Tuesday. “It is the shell for the building expansion, and all we’re doing right now is foundations and the actual shell of the building itself.”

Cavilla said there was no announcement on what the interior of the building would hold, adding that it was still “to be determined.”

“It is an expansion to the existing building,” he said. “It’ll tie in to the existing casino building, but as far as what the interior would hold, we’re not prepared to release that at this point.”



  1. This is necessary to accommodate the expansion of gambling addictions in Maryland.

  2. Perhaps it will hold the money that is not going to the children.

  3. Maybe it will put in a real restaurant and some entertainment. That place is a pit for the elderly.

  4. It's going to be a chain motel- Ashley Madison Suites. Soft opening in May, Grand Opening July 1st

  5. So, its a secret as to what the interior will hold. Not prepared to release that at this point. How about just saying more gambling, drinking, eating average food and bosses watching other bosses.

  6. Could care less. I don't gamble. I get as much satisfaction from card games on my computer.

  7. They are adding 10 tables and rearranging the current floor.


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