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Sunday, September 06, 2015

O'Malley: U.S. should accept 65,000 Syrian refugees

Washington (CNN)Martin O'Malley wants the U.S. to welcome at least 65,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2016.

"I support the call from humanitarian and refugee organizations for the United States to accept at least 65,000 Syrian refugees next year," he said in a statement Friday. "If Germany -- a country with one-fourth our population -- can accept 800,000 refugees this year, certainly we -- the nation of immigrants and refugees -- can do more."

Syrian refugees are flooding Europe following the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Syrians due to ethnic violence in the Middle East. The migrant crisis has engulfed Europe, leading many to ask whether the U.S. would take refugees from the continued fighting in Syria.



  1. yeah right is he going to support them and be personally responsible for them?

  2. I've got a better idea, O'Malley. How about we send them to China?. How about Russia? Better yet, how about we 'do our part' by actually fighting and defeating ISIS and send these 4 million people back home to re-build their own country?

  3. O'malley needs to let a few move in with him then. If he were sincere this is what he would do. He's just trying to get the immigrant voters on his side. Unfortunately O'malley supporters are so dumbed down that they are unable to grasp the reality and motives of what ever comes out of his mouth.

  4. how many will MOM personally support in his home?

  5. Luckily he has NO say in the matter.

  6. This is another public demonstration of how incompetent and foolish this man is.
    Of course this situation tears at your heart, but unless it's fixed AT THE SOURCE, it will only get worse.
    The Syrians need to get their own country back.
    We could have helped a while back, but Obama refused.

  7. He should also Sh*t in his hat and pull it over his ears.

  8. Maybe that's why he bought all of that "JUNK" furniture..

  9. Have you talked with anyone in Germany other than those few who think that its immigration practices are good for the country? Many would say that the country is being overrun.

  10. Yep, this is the same man that, as governor, gave driver licenses to illegal immigrants in this state. Oh yeah, gave them in state tuition at our colleges too. He doesn't believe in any kind of state sovereignty, so it makes sense that he doesn't believe in any national sovereignty. He just wants to give it all away.

  11. Put OweMalley and Cummings in a bag and shake'em up.!!!!!!! Bob Aswell

  12. These people are invaders, they are doing their Imams bidding. The news media and our own government is complicit in perpetrating this hoax on the American people.

  13. All 65.000 Muslim Syrians can fight off their oppressors. In their own country.

  14. This way he can get 65000 votes for him self. Piss off omally. Md is still trying to clean up your mess.

  15. Send OMALLEY to CHINA.

  16. Let's see, Syria is where all those trucks went carrying weapons and Sadam Hussein's family members while President GW Bush was waiting for Congress to vote to go to war with Iraq.

  17. Ask any German native how they feel about non-European immigrants.

  18. Eff that. What has this government done for it's own citizens lately. Absolutely nothing. Eff that.

  19. 65,000 sheep can't fight anything. they don't have a leader.


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