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Sunday, September 06, 2015

Despite Business Fears, Ocean City Moving Ahead With Law Changes Aimed At Taming Auto Events

OCEAN CITY – The local business community voiced concerns Tuesday as the majority of the City Council voted to push through laws aimed at getting a grip on motor vehicle events.

For the last couple of years, city officials have been promising action to ease residents’ concerns when it comes to vehicular events in Ocean City and the Police Commission last month issued a favorable recommendation on several proposed changes to city laws.

The most recent event of concern was Cruisin’ in May with 3,400 classic cars officially registered for the event and tens of thousands of more “wannabes,” as the event promoter refers to them. While the officially registered participants appeared to be well behaved for the most part and attended the event’s official activities at the Inlet and Roland E. Powell Convention Center, the latter group raced up and down Coastal Highway and other streets, dumped trash in parking lots and left a considerable amount of rubber on the roads.



  1. "OCPD Chief Ross Buzzuro admitted during the times of certain events the department is taxed beyond its limits."

    What you really mean is you have a bunch of lifer cops that won't get out from behind their desks and get out there and enforce the laws that are already on the books. Oh I work day shift I can't work nights it's in my union contract.

  2. They don't like the car enthusiasts and their toys in town? They don't like them to play with their toys when they come to town? Go ahead, upset them with restrictions and new laws to deter their fun, and say goodbye to to all the revenue this rowdy crowd brings to Ocean City and the surrounding area. I'm sure these groups can find a more welcoming venue that would love to have the millions that these events generate for local business.

  3. So, in the last 25 years, OC is only now concerned, after considerable infrastructure, about these newfangled unruley people?

  4. Whywont some of those part time cops go in civilian clothes and radiio the idiots durning out to uniformed cops ?????????,

  5. The car people ruined this for themselves.

  6. Everybody who has a business in OC makes big money off of these events. Who is doing the complaining? Maybe a handful of the 300,000 guests, and other party people in town. Sounds like OC wants to bite the hand that feeds it.

  7. Has there been any property damage (other than burnt rubber on the road)? Trash is trash, it comes with every crowd, car enthusiasts or firemen. Has anybody been hurt by their antics? I think OC is giving too much attention to a small group of whiners.

    1. Not to mention the small group that are not the best of guests.

  8. License plate readers at both ends now they are trying to tame one of the biggest shows. Careful OC you may quickly have no shows coming to town to enforce.

  9. Good work OC Council. The people that are complaining are the year round residents and property owners who vote. A few business owners that don't even live in OC don't have to put up with the noise, trash and lawbreakers.

  10. Put undercover cops in a undercover car to catch these fools burning out.

  11. 2:08 Who is going to pay for that high priced OC police dept. if those out of town business owners go out of business because they lose all that revenue. Remember about 6 years ago when the state decided to repave coastal hwy during cruising week. It took 3 years for a lot of those cruisers to come back.

  12. Old retirees taking charge in Ocean City and you all don't see it.

  13. good. put an age restriction too. no one under 30 allowed in town

  14. Rick Meehan, here's an idea. Set up Jersey barriers on each side of the street 2 rows each side for a quarter mile for a "Burnout Zone" Make the speed limit 30-40 max. Have OCFD supply some "burnout juice" to spray down. That way, those who want to see it can spectate those who wish to participate. Make it on a backloop of the main "cruise" lane so it's not mandatory. Participants can go back through until they burn the tires off, so have a tow truck handy!

    All should have safe fun, and those who just wish to cruise don't need to go through the "zone".

  15. Years ago they had a burnout zone (unofficial but the police didn't hassle anyone) from 45th St. to the Convention Center, then OC got greedy and stupid.


  16. With all of the other protected species, one would think the golden goose would qualify. Apparently not.

  17. We own property in OC, and don't mind them in the least.

    When you CHOOSE to buy property in a resort town, you are going to have some nuisances. If you're really that butthurt over it, sell the property and go move to dead et "retirement community".

  18. 4:12 AM

    and WHERE is this property located?

  19. Mr Moore will take care of this. Along with Mr Jenkins and the Harrisons. No worry. I know who runs what in OC.I

  20. This is just like the effort to outlaw rental in the elite areas like Mallard Island. It's called discrimination.


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