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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Ocean City Passes Resolution Against Fed’s Offshore Seismic Testing Proposal

OCEAN CITY — With a bevy of local environmental leaders on hand, Ocean City officials on Monday passed a resolution officially opposing offshore seismic testing off the coast of the resort after agreeing the potential risks outweigh the possible rewards.

The federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is currently evaluating four permits from three different private sector companies to conduct seismic air gun blast testing off the mid-Atlantic coast for the purpose of identifying oil and natural gas deposits beneath the ocean’s floor. On Monday, the Ocean City Mayor and Council adopted a resolution officially opposing seismic air gun testing off the coast of the resort, citing the potential risks to tourism, recreational and commercial fishing.

In March, BOEM hosted a public meeting in Annapolis to present a proposal to lease roughly three million acres off the mid-Atlantic coast for future oil and natural gas exploration and excavation. The plan is to eventually open the leased area along the outer continental shelf as close as 20 miles from the coast of Ocean City and Assateague for the eventual private sector extraction of oil and gas reserves under the sea floor.



  1. Y'all said drill baby drill a few years ago. Oh ok yeah I see just not in your backyard/part of the ocean. lol.

  2. This group should re-think supporting wind turbines in the ocean because the water and ground vibrations will carry for miles,making a large portion of the coastal waters unsuitable for marine life. The cost of offshore electricity generated by wind, exceeds the cost of conventional electricity by at least 5 times. Paying $500 for $100 worth of electricity will not work. Please note, I am not for offshore drilling in these waters either.
    Please learn the costs and environmental consequences from wind energy.

  3. What a collection of dumb bunnies. It is the same bunch that does not want us to tap into the vast resources in our mountain region either. Some of these nitwits would even be okay with giant turbines...anything but what actually works!!! The rigs are safe and secure...new technology can have one rig reaching for miles in other directions...they become instant fishing mechas...and the return on investment would be a big boon to our local economy.

    Proof positive...the Ocean City Mayor and Council along with state politicians from the area are complete idiots!

  4. The environmentalists, global warming crowd, basically the liberal wacko's are clueless. We have a vast variety and abundance of resources to use to help our energy situation.Yet this fringe group of nuts have not done the research necessary to defeat these projects. For everyone who says it's bad you can find 3 people who say it's good. Bleeding liberals who want to control everything.

  5. Black gold, Texas Tea....give me oil, lots of oil. Cheap gas, lower heat bills. Last I heard, there's still fish in the Gulf of Mexico, and off the coast of California.


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