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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

GOP Wants Budget Talks with Obama, Not Reid, Pelosi

With a little more than a week before a government shutdown, Republicans have stated that they only want Obama as a negotiating partner when it comes to budget talks, rather than Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi D-Calif., The Hill reports.

“They think they can get a better deal from Obama,” said Darrell West, director of the governance studies program at the Brookings Institution. “When you look at past negotiations, Obama often has been willing to compromise on Democratic principles in ways his congressional counterparts have not been willing to do,”

However, after meeting with the president on Thursday, Pelosi and Reid told reporters that they have come to an agreement in regards to budget. But, Republicans, who since the midterm elections have control of the Senate, believe that Obama should have to deal with them directly.

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