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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Ocean City Good Samaritans Assist Weekend Accident Victims

OCEAN CITY — Two Ocean City restaurant workers put the “hospital” in hospitality last weekend when they were each first on the scene and helped save lives at two different serious motorcycle accidents on the same night about 100 blocks apart.

Shortly before 7 p.m. last Friday, local resident, firefighter, paramedic, rescue swimmer and Uber driver Mick Chester was working behind the bar at a busy Mother’s Cantina when a serious accident occurred involving a motorcycle and a pedestrian occurred just out front in the area of Coastal Highway and 28thStreet. Chester dropped what he was doing and dashed outside to intervene, administering First Aid, identifying and prioritizing the various victims and taking command of the situation until police and Emergency Services arrived.

About six hours later, Krista Brooks, who with her husband, Johnny, operate the Crabcake Factory businesses, was working in the restaurant when another serious accident involving a motorcycle occurred just out front of the Ocean City operation at 120th Street. Like Chester, Brooks ran outside and began tending to the seriously injured victims, a husband and wife, until police and Emergency Services arrived. Brooks calmed the victims, attempted to stabilize them and directed her employees to provide her with supplies to begin treating the victims until help arrived.

In the 28th Street accident, the investigation revealed a motorcycle struck a pedestrian who was not crossing the highway in a crosswalk and was on her cell phone. Chester said this week he was bartending at Mother’s Cantina and was walking into the kitchen when a co-worker alerted him to the accident.


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