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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

No, Salon.com, I Don’t Need to ‘Understand’ the Plight of Pedophiles

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, Salon.com posts this on their home page:

“I’m a Pedophile, But I’m Not a Monster” (byline) I’m attracted to children but unwilling to act on it. Before judging me harshly, would you be willing to listen?

Here’s the problem with the title and the byline: it’s misleading. The article is written by a pedophile who says he’s never touched a child and never would. The man, who identifies himself as Todd Nickerson, agrees that it’s wrong to both be attracted to children and to act upon that attraction. He then goes on a long diatribe about his past, the abuse he’s encountered, why we should be understanding in place of judgmental, blahblahblahblahblah. Finally, At the end of the long article is a call to action for pedophiles to get help, to seek advice and to find a solution to their sexual attraction to children. That’s not the argument here. It’s good that Nickerson wants other pedophiles to get help for their sexual desires. Not arguing with that. Okay? Okay.



  1. Pedophiles ARE monsters! They choose this particular lifestyle. NO, they were not born that way. They were probably molested/abused as small children. While the molestation/abuse was not their fault, it does not make it their way of life. Why punish other beautiful children because of your misfortune? The people that misused you are the people you should be going after.

  2. How can this person be a pedophile if has never acted on the impulse. I think in this case, many of us are murderers and thieves. That argument does not hold water.

  3. Dear Todd...I am a slayer of pedophiles, but I am no monster. You are the down loader of child pornography...the most vile...collected from other "monsters" who ARE willing to touch and molest our most vulnerable.

    Don't hide behind the abuse that you foster through your sick attractions. You need help and I understand a strong dose of lead does the trick.

    Your friends in local law enforcement

  4. To 1:25 I am no friend of pedophiles. But I suffered through his article (It was boring for most part.). And he did not say he downloaded child porno.

  5. 11:24 AM:

    I have only had one opportunity to personally know a person convicted of being a pedophile, and I disagree with what you think you know about them. It was a child of a close friend of mine. This young person committed the first act he was convicted for when he was just a teenager (he acted on his impulse) with a very young child. After serving a sentence as a juvenile, he was released, and did it again as a young adult. He was sent to prison for 5 years as a result of that conviction, and probably is still on parole, and is a registered sex offender for the rest of his life. He broke his mom and dad's hearts by his actions and inability to not act on his impulses. No amount of counseling or psychiatric treatment could cure him. There was never any evidence of any abuse or molestation in this boy's life and his brother was as normal as any other kid. His dad, my close friend, has now passed away as he succumbed to the stresses of being the father of a social outcast, whom he dearly loved. I still remember his son growing up and being the happiest, normal son, brother, and little boy. Who could have know the impulses he was harboring? I have no answers, but it is sad that there is no help for them.

  6. There is a cure and it's totally amazing how approximately one half of an ounce lead, or less, can cure this disease if just placed in the section of the brain. This will also alleviate gay lifestyles as well.


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