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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Clinton Campaign Firing Subtle 'Warning Shots'

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's campaigners are reportedly lobbing subtle "warning shots" as Vice President Joe Biden considers whether to launch a White House bid.

According to Politico, surrogates for the front-running Democratic candidate are suggesting Biden would be out of touch with the party's progressive wing, and are questioning both his chances and political strength.

Even the candidate herself took a shot during her defense last week in New Hampshire of a failed 2001 vote on a controversial bankruptcy bill that was co-sponsored by Biden.

"So I negotiated … changes and then the people who had been handling the bill said, 'Well if we take your changes you have to support it.'" The Wall Street Journal quoted Clinton's remarks to a New Hampshire voter.

"And it was Vice President Biden who was the senator from Delaware and the Republican co-sponsor that I was talking with, so I said I'd support it even though I'd opposed it before."



  1. Bob Aswell..Disgruntled VoterSeptember 23, 2015 at 12:41 PM

    At least he's NOT a CRIMINAL. At least he's NOT a LIAR. Bob Aswell

  2. The hilda beasts campaign is taking on water and they need a distraction to give them more time to bail it out.

  3. Pres will back Biden if he allows him to pick his running mate.


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