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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Md. police chief commends officers after takedown goes viral

WASHINGTON — A Maryland police chief is praising his officers after their takedown of a man believed to be under the influence of PCP was recorded and posted online.

“I commend the officers for exercising extreme restraint,” said David Morris, chief of the Riverdale Park Police Department.

Morris said officers responded to a McDonald’s after they received a call about a man who appeared to be hallucinating, arguing with himself and throwing chairs.



  1. thank god he was white. there would be riots otherwise.

  2. The police did everything right. My guess is the guy was on K2 / Spice. That stuff makes people strong and stupid.

    1. Yeah. The police were scared to death. Notice the attempt take down.

  3. Great restraint! It's normal to just kill a person yelling and throwing chairs. Since all tasers and mace didn't work and the baton failed this man should've been killed. But the officers showed great restraint.
    I can't believe that it is news that the cops didn't kill someone! And that the Chief believes that doing the job correctly is called great restraint. Smdh. This is how you are to act officers.

  4. yeah but what was his crime? No shirt no shoes? I am not trying to bash the police but what you call restraint I call acting like a human. Furthermore the LONE cop acted that way because he WAS alone. The second another cop was there he felt the need to tackle him and then kick him. Restraint? No. Just not stupid enough to start acting like an storm trooper till he had help. That "criminal" did not appear to be a threat to anyone, not even himself.

    Still everyone walked away alive and I guess that is commendable right? Wrong that's a stupid metric to base any thing on. But dont worry folks given a long enough time line we will all get our beating from a cop eventually.

  5. 130 you're stupid. The video doesn't show what happened before the police got there. Too much restraint was shown.

    1. 2:35
      Too much restraint was shown? What did you want? Hold him and beat him down while cuffed? Shot at least once? I agree the video doesn't show the whole thing but the rest of your comment is sickening. And I bet your a cop. If your not a cop then your one of this countries main problems.

    2. 2:35 is right. Too much restraint was shown. The use of force was appropriate but there were many opportunities for the officers to get cuffs on the guy prior to them actually being placed on him. They did not have to beat him and they didn't. All in all no one was seriously hurt and the guy was taken into custody. But it's good for cops to critique videos like this in order to identify mistakes and avoid making them

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    yeah but what was his crime? No shirt no shoes? I am not trying to bash the police but what you call restraint I call acting like a human. Furthermore the LONE cop acted that way because he WAS alone. The second another cop was there he felt the need to tackle him and then kick him. Restraint? No. Just not stupid enough to start acting like an storm trooper till he had help. That "criminal" did not appear to be a threat to anyone, not even himself.

    Still everyone walked away alive and I guess that is commendable right? Wrong that's a stupid metric to base any thing on. But dont worry folks given a long enough time line we will all get our beating from a cop eventually.

    September 8, 2015 at 1:30 PM

    "I am not trying to bash the police but..."

    You are trying to bash the police you DORK!!

  7. Three grown men (and fairly big, too) with bullet proof vests and they seemed scared to death. Did you see one cop try to grab his arm to cuff him and when the little guy squirmed out of his hold, he jumped away like the guy just pulled a gun.
    They had SEVERAL opportunities to subdue him. Three against one (the "one" looked to be about 5'5" and maybe a hundred pounds) and they couldn't take him down??
    I do commend them for NOT killing him. I also bet that when the tape gets played back at the station, their fellow officers are going to be laughing pretty hard at they way they jumped AWAY from the little guy. I know I was.....

  8. One question? Where is this guy's parents? I love ALL people! It all starts at home people! Parenting matters!

  9. People who continually break the law should lose their citizenship.

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Too much restraint was shown? What did you want? Hold him and beat him down while cuffed? Shot at least once? I agree the video doesn't show the whole thing but the rest of your comment is sickening. And I bet your a cop. If your not a cop then your one of this countries main problems.

    September 8, 2015 at 3:12 PM

    I'm not 2:35 but I will say that you are one of our countries main problems

  11. Anonymous said...
    People who continually break the law should lose their citizenship.

    September 8, 2015 at 8:57 PM

    Absolutely. We should also put a hold on issuing any more citizenships until we get this illegal alien problem under control.

  12. So the taser didn't work. That should have given the officer a clue that the idiot was on some type of drug. Knowing that what was the reason to beat him with a stick? If he can't feel a taser he won't feel them beating on him either but it does risk injuring the idiot and opening up a lawsuit. Is that just their way to let out some of that hostility they seem to keep bottled up when someone doesn't bow at their every request?

  13. Let's be honest. Some of you freaks just want to complain and belittle the police. If they shoot somebody, you soil your panties everytime you see the 25 second 'YooToob' video. If they rough somebody up, you believe everything the manipulated media has to say about the case. If they show restraint, you twerps have issues with that. Since you little ladies are such experts, how come you don't go on down and join the police force? That way, you could bring your expertise to bear and show everyone else how the job is done. And no, I'm not a 'kop', before you start with that ignorant sh*t.


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