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Sunday, September 13, 2015

JUST IN: Baltimore Reaches $6.4M wrongful death settlement with family of Freddie Gray

BALTIMORE – The city of Baltimore says it has reached a $6.4 million wrongful death settlement with the family of Freddie Gray.

Gray died in April after he suffered a critical spine injury while he was in police custody. Six Baltimore police officers face criminal charges stemming from Gray's death. Gray, who was black, was critically injured April 12 in the back of a prisoner transport van after he was arrested.



  1. Dang! So what is a guy with a job worth?

  2. Guess Gray lives matter too lol

  3. maybe they can move in next door to SRB

  4. Wait until they find out he was purposely bouncing himself around the van i n order to injure himself so that he would go to the hospital instead of jail. Baltimore truly has no leadership.

  5. Settle before the case has been settled ? Let the drug party begin.

  6. Guess that "we never touched him" wasn't' quite accurate.

  7. and where is that $$ coming from?

  8. Ghetto lottery winners; and the hard working taxpayers are stuck with the bill and the lawyers get a big chunk of the payout. Everyone but hard working taxpayers wins.

  9. Settlement before verdict. What a crock of chit, Black Lives matter?

  10. maybe JT needs to look in this.

  11. IT is true that we pay the bill but direct your anger to the people who committed this crime.

  12. 1:44 What crime the case has not been to court. This is corruption at it deepest level. Wonder who all gets a piece of this pie. The sad part is some of you will view this payment as a guilty verdict just like you did with the Ferguson case. In last fifty years schools have been segregated it does not show. How can so many Blacks be so utterly stupid. Was school a social hour. Your ignorance and racism has changed me for ever. Black Lives Do Not matter to me !!!

    It got paid before the truth comes out and there is a reason for it. The cops will walk. When they do I hope you get stupid like last time people are sick of it. I am ready are you.

  13. It's not going to court p they would end up paying 10 million

  14. What about our veterens

  15. A settlement before the officers involved even go to trial? Mosby's not taking any chances on this ending up as anything but a conviction.


  16. It should be worth 6 mil to the residents of Baltimore because he was useless in life. No matter whatever anyone says no matter how his family is boohooing the world was immediately a better place when the thug heroin dealer took his last breath.
    Lawyers will end up with a little over half. The balance of the structured settlement 2.something million the ghetto Gray family will sell to JG Wentworth or another buyer for literally pennies on the dollar. They will end up with a few hundred thousand. That's how these ghetto people operate.

  17. The settlement does not resolve any factual disputes, and expressly does not constitute an admission of liability on the part of the city, its police department or any of the officers. The settlement has nothing whatsoever to do with the criminal proceedings, the press release said.

    I CALL COMPLETE BS! This is an example of what we have become. We settle before any fair trial! UNBELIEVABLE!

  18. This cause the Gray family to file their very first tax returns.

  19. According to mayor SRB this was done "solely" for the best interest of the city. In plain English this means get it out of the way, because any long drawn out legal measures had the real potential to cause more riots.
    What's telling is the settlement document. Among other details, Gray was arrested on Apr 12 in the 1600 blk of North Ave for "possession of an illegal knife under City law."

  20. They are trying to keep the city from burning when all of the wrongly accused officers walk free and are each themselves awarded much much more.

  21. This is an absolutely ridiculous settlement, especially considering Maryland's cap on non-economic damages & the inability to establish what a drug dealer would make in a lifetime (careers shortened by either jail time or an early death).

    One can certainly make a prima facie case for a negligence action by arguing that the police had a duty to seat belt Freddie Gray and they didn't resulting in the injuries that caused his death. Of course, the medical examiner's report raises a clear possibility that Freddie tried to stand up in a moving vehicle and had he not done so he would not have sustained the injuries that caused his death. That makes a case for contributory negligence that wipes out the negligence claim and reduces the value to $0.

    Yes this would be an expensive suit to litigate but not 6 million dollars worth of costs. With Freddie Gray's life not being worth much in negligence law terms (the value is primarily based on what would have been future earnings), it was a waste of taxpayer dollars to settle so soon and for so many dollars. If this had been an insurance company paying the settlement, they would never have settled so soon or for such a ridiculously high amount.

    This looks like an action to placate the masses -- because the powers that be know full well none of the officers are going to be found guilty.

  22. WOW WOW WOW AND they always told me that CRIME does not PAY...Well I guess that was a LIE...

  23. A little victory before the judge moves the venue on Thursday maybe?

  24. Getting a Baltimore City jury to understand that settling a civil case does not mean there is criminal liability is going to present a challenge. It's sad to say but so very much true that my dog is more intelligent and has more common sense that most of those living in that city.

  25. How about the City of Baltimore paying all the businesses that were damaged? How about paying back the Wicomico Co. Sheriff's Office their man hours and expenses they incurred by traveling to Baltimore to "help" them?

  26. His family should have to pay for raising a thug and have their citizenship revoked.

  27. Well this is a first. First time I have ever heard of a settlement before the trials have ever been heard. The family of this drug dealer just got rich off of the taxpayers. The family did not give a damn that their child was out on the streets being a drug dealer and thug. It is obvious they never taught him to be a law abiding citizen with morals. Maybe they will move into the Mayor and District Attorney's neighborhood and give them a piece of that pie. After all they deserve it for their outlandish behavior. Taxpayers lose again.

  28. You, the honest hard working citizens, better make sure you pay your taxes or else.
    And get ready for some intensive "safety" campaigns by the Gestapo.
    Your "leaders", who couldn't lead an ant column to a pile of sugar, need the money.
    Don't tune your radio. Don't talk to your passengers. Don't eat that burger on the way back from lunch. Check your tag light. wear your seat belt. Don't change lanes without a signal. Don't talk back to 'authorities' (THAT can get you KILLED).
    When you get tired of walking the line, start the hanging.
    Or just keep cheering. Like a really "goot ci-di-zen".

  29. 6 MILLION for this worthless POS??? They confiscate my money, demand even more every April, charge me for every damn thing - and then hand over 6 million on a whim. This is bullsh*t. Where's Hogan on this?


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