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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Kim Davis vs. Judicial Tyranny

"If the law supposes that, the law is a ass — a idiot."

Charles Dickens gave that line to Mr. Bumble in "Oliver Twist."

And it sums up the judgment of Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis about the Supreme Court's Obergefell decision, which said the 14th Amendment guarantees same-sex couples the right to marry.

Davis refused to provide marriage licenses to gay couples lined up at her clerk's office and was sent to jail for five days by a federal judge for contempt of court.

Good for her. We need more like her.

For behind her defiance are more authoritative sources than the five justices who gave us Obergefell: the Old and New Testaments, Natural Law, two millennia of Christian teaching and tradition, and the entire body of U.S. federal and state law up to Y2K.

Moreover, Kentucky never enacted a law authorizing same-sex marriage. Nor did the Congress of the United States.

Whence, then, did this "law" come?

Answer: This is a creation of a Supreme Court that has usurped the legislative power to impose a secularist anti-Christian ideology on a nation, much of which still rejects it, but has no recourse against it.

A right to same-sex marriage was no more in the Constitution as written or amended than was a woman's right to have an abortion.

The Court has lately been declaring to be constitutional rights things that used to be regarded as shameful crimes.

This is judicial tyranny. And Kim Davis' defiance is as old as the republic.

More here


  1. Keep fighting the good fight Kim.

  2. What Davis is asking for is not an accommodation at all, but for the right to declare, by fiat, that Rowan County, Kentucky, is a mini-theocracy not beholden to the laws of the land, but by the whims of Kim Davis. Her legal team wants you to see her as a sweet but faithful woman, but in fact she’s trying to pull a coup here, claiming that “God’s authority” — read Kim Davis’s authority — trumps our entire democratic system.


  3. But she’s being used by her legal team and other religious right leaders to spread the idea that religious conservatives are entitled to ignore — or even overthrow — democracy and seize power just because they feel like it.

  4. Christian sharia law.

  5. The Supreme court cannot create a law and Kentucky has no Gay marriage law.

  6. Oh please, 5:54 still trying to pedal that stupidity? It doesn't work for Huckabee and it doesn't work for anyone with an understanding of the constitution.

  7. 5:54 has it right. Read the 14thA. Look up "Judicial" and "Legislative".

    Educate yourselves before admitting your stupidity here,folks.

  8. She is trying to deny tax paying Americans what they are entitled to and collecting a check from those very people while doing it.

  9. No, she is not, 7:00. She never signed up for a job of issuing gay marriage licenses, and has no reason to issue them. The SC cannot make laws, and the 14th says nothing about this.

    Where is your legal argument?


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