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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Abortion Survivor: ‘I Should Have Been Another Statistic'

(CNSNews) – Melissa Ohden, founder of the Abortion Survivors Network, testified Wednesday before the House Judiciary Committee that she survived a procedure that was intended to scald her to death “from the inside out.”

Ohden noted that according to Planned Parenthood’s 2013-2014 fiscal report, the nation’s largest abortion provider performed 327,653 in one year.

“Based on these numbers, 897 children will lose their lives to an abortion completed by Planned Parenthood each and every day. Why do I find this horrific? Because I have a lot in common with these children. I was meant to be one of them. I should have been just another statistic, but by the grace of God, I am more than a statistic,” said Ohden.

“You wouldn’t know it by looking at me today, but in August of 1977, I survived a failed saline infusion abortion,” said Ohden. “A saline infusion abortion involves injecting a toxic salt solution into the amniotic fluid surrounding the preborn child. The intent of that salt solution is to scald the child to death, from the outside in.”

Ohden discovered that after five days of soaking in a “toxic salt solution,” her biological mother’s labor was induced, and she “should have been delivered dead, as a successful abortion.”

It was her maternal grandmother, a nurse, who delivered her at St. Luke’s Hospital in Sioux City, Iowa, but when her grandmother realized the abortion did not kill Ohden, her grandmother “demanded that I be left to die.”

“I may never know how, exactly, two nurses who were on staff that day found out about me, but what I do know is that their willingness to fight for medical care to be provided to me ultimately sustained my life,” Ohden testified.

She said children like her who were born alive at St. Luke’s were usually left to die in a bucket of formaldehyde in a utility closet.

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  1. Blah blah blah......I don't believe a word of it....

  2. She is just another statistic. She is one of the ones who has survived an abortion attempt.

  3. Set up more abortion clinics in Democrat states.


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