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Sunday, September 13, 2015

Follow Up On Jiffy Lube Story

Okay folks, been a full day here, and I will post the blog with more info, but to follow up on the BRAKE issue with the truck and JiffyLube issue. Mechanic advised is OLD truck was rust spot but likely DINGED hard with grease wand and the flood-gates opened up. Luckily the other brake line is still okay and only had to replace the one (Honest mechanic--TY Pep Boys - Manny, Moe & Jack of Salisbury).

While I will contact JiffyLube corporate office, I'm not asking for reimbursement of repairs. I'm honest, it's an old truck, it is. I am going to view the incident as a blessing because that brake line could have gone while I was driving on the road.

However, the LIE for me is an issue and giving me the bum's rush at the curb and running away is frightening when they knew the truck was no longer safe to drive.

The end result will not just be the loss of my custom since 1988 but others as this goes public. And apparently it's a popular post on Salisbury News. Warn others, be wary and never accept a lie.


  1. Really? You again? Blame others for your crap falling apart. Crap happens to the best of establishments. And it's usually from cheap people like you who are uptight. If you took better care of your vehicle regardless of its age, this wouldn't happen in the first place. Just because you change the oil on time for years doesn't mean you take care of it. Maybe if you did your own maintenance you would've noticed the brake line. But you go to places to get crap done. Probably wealthy . It's what you get when you rely on the world to service you!

  2. 9:28, they said they KNEW the truck was old and had issues. The problem was the employees not telling them what happened. They were wrong!! I was there before and they insisted I needed an air filter, when we had just put one on a couple months before. They are dishonest sometimes.

  3. Wow! 9:28 sounds like a class A jerk.

    1. Not a jerk. Call it like it is. Lines so rusted out a tap blew it? Come on! Use some common sense. Those poor bastard high school drop outs at jiffy lube probably had no idea what they did or what was wrong. It all could've been avoided if the vehicle owner had enough brains to either inspect the vehicle once in a while or have a real mechanic inspect it. Vehicles need more than oil changes and tires after so many years. It's called common sense. The author of the posts stupidity and ignorance has risked everyone in Salisbury with the lack of sense god gave them.

  4. @ 10:30am: I agree 10:30am his nasty comes through loud and clear. The lady was reasonable in her presentation from start to finish including this post. Just so you know 10:24am, people with large amounts of spending cash do not drive old, in need of repair vehicles. Common sense should have told you that so your comment reflects you all to well.

    1. Lmao. How you think old folks with money got it? Buy driving the same old vehicles for years!

  5. Ok the odds of a grease gun dining a brake line and causing this issue is slim to none.....brake lines are routed along the frame.....and grease guns don't have a wand....a rubber hose with a tip on the end.....the grease fittings on your truck aren't anywere near the brake lines.....the fact of the matter is your vehicle has not had the proper care it needs....and now you are looking to place blame on someone else....accept the fact your truck is old and near the end of its life.....the odds that jiffy lube or anyone else for that matter had anything to do with the issue is zero.....go on with your life knowing your truck will continue to fail....it's old and tired and that's a fact of life.

  6. The customer has an expectation of good service in return for valid payment. If a situation occurs the provider of service should notify the customer not run and hide. 9:28 sounds unbelievable.

  7. While I'm sitting in JL waiting for my car to be finished,invariably a mechanic will come into the waitng room & tell a customer what they need.They always advise when new belts,air filters,windshield wipers,lights etc are necessary,but almost always get a delayed reaction out of the customer while he/she decides whether THEY need it done.Rest assured,if JL tells you it needs to be replaced or repaired it almost always does.Don't put everything off just to save a few dollars and then raise heck when big issues surface.Take care of the small issues and the big ones will take care of themselves.

  8. I have several problems with these comments.
    1) Original poster is an older female widow and not an idiot.
    2)A 15 year old truck is not that old in todays world. Average age of vehicles on the road is 11.5 years.
    3) Her issue with Jiffy Lube is that they did not inform her that the brakes were not functioning when they returned the vehicle to her control - a safety issue.
    4) 11:36 is a real idiot. I have seen many types of grease guns, some with metal tubes/some with rubber tubes/some air operated etc. Depending on which fittings being greased, it is entirely possible for someone to hit a brake line with any part of a grease gun and break it or brake it. LOL\
    5) It sounds like most of you are trapped in the cycle of never ending car payments and have to have a new vehicle every 3-5 years. All of my vehicles are 10-15 years old. No loans on any of them. When I decide to replace one, I buy it for cash.
    6) The author did the right thing by warning others of the shoddy service and attitude of the Jiffy Lube and should be commended rather than attacked.

  9. It seems like some people are missing the point of this ladies argument. It was not really the brake line breaking that bothered her. It was the level of service she got after the fact. I am sure that when the persn drove it to the curb they could tell that the brakes were no longer working correctly. All they had to do was tell her that her brakes may have just given away. what would of happen had she not put on the brake and drove right out into traffi? I can believe that they may have worked when she pulled in and not worked when she was about to leave. I have a older truck and had this happen right next to Jiffy Lube. I was in line at Dunkin Donuts. Ordered something at the speaker. Brakes work Pulled up to the window and brakes were going. Noticed a nice trail of fluid on the ground. WHen I pulled around to the street and checked I had a rust spot on lines where it runs across rear axle and it had finally gave out. Lucky for me I was able to replace the line myself. But yes your brake line can go just like that.

  10. Hitting a steel brake line with a grease gun is nearly impossible....most vehicles don't even have grease fittings anymore...most automotive shops use a grease gun with a rubber hose and fitting to bend around things. I have been an ASE Master tech since 1994 so I know what I'm talking about. Any 10 plus year old car is tired.....any 10 plus year old car on the shore is rusty......and just for the record the only story anyone here is getting is hers.....there are always two sides

    1. I have a PHD from Harvard and I am calling Bs on your Ase Master Tech. Tell you what, I'll show you mine and you show me yours. Oh, I received mine in 1994 also. Just a coincidence?

    2. Well hopefully I'll be able to defend myself.....I'm an ASE certified master tech since 1994. I was the first tech at Saturn of salisbury....later on was and still am a Mercedes Benz tech...having worked at Mercedes Benz of salisbury....and also was a factory trained Audi tech. I also spent nearly five years with MSP as a civilian employee working on trooper vehicles.....I have an extensive resume,and can verify any employment. I currently work for one of the most respected Mercedes Benz dealerships in the US. Our dealership has won Mercedes Benz award best of the best three years in a row....based on customer service. So Mr PhD from harvard......you can call bs anytime....I can easily back up what I say.

    3. 2:33 you are speaking out of your ASE.

    4. Again I can back up everything I have said.......not many people have what it takes to be a dealership tech.....again no bs here.

  11. Thanks grease monkey. Now get back to ripping people off.

  12. I have an 11 year old Mercedes, no garage, and it still looks like new outside and under. No rust - 2:33 you don't know what you're talking about.

    1. What do you mean he doesn't know what he's talking about he has the Ase certifyey thing a mig from 1994 I say he's qualified

    2. I've had to take a series of tests every five years, to keep up my ASE certification..with Mercedes Benz my training is constant...I take online classes and instructor led classes at schools all over the country. So ty I'd say I'm well qualified.

  13. they should not have let her drive away, regardless of reason for brake failure!! i have had brake line failure, and it occurs without warning. a rusted pinhole leak can happen at anytime, anyplace... luckily there was no injury. i do not believe that jiffy causes the leak, just wish that they had helped their customer.

  14. Once again, way over most of your heads. She is not complaining about the break line bursting....she is complaining about the way she was treated. READING is essential if you are going to post a comment, at least glance at the article.

    1. No she's complaining about the fact they didn't tell her that the brakes had failed. She said they drove it in and they worked then. Seems like blame to me. Not to mention she said Pep boys told her .......... Yeah. Reminds me of the chick complaining about her neighbors grass not being cut. Crazy old women with no man to keep them straight.

  15. READ PEOPLE. The story is about customer service, not the break line. She even says "I am not looking to get re-reimbursed."

  16. Hey 4:13 congrats on the benz....I left German cars out of my earlier posts as there aren't that many on the shore...but the Germans easily build the best ,most advanced cars on the road. Being a Benz tech is the best tech job you can have....the first and best cars made. I do agree this woman's post is about customer service....case closed....the other side of this story is missing and judgment past too quickly.

  17. Do yourself a favor and stay away from ALL jiffy lubes. Stupid people and shady practices. Not too mention they are ripoffs. Take your vehicle to valvoline. Honest , professional, and affordable.

  18. My wife got her oil changed there. 10 dollar a quart synthetic oil (6), 22 dollar air filter, 21 dollar labor, 8 dollar tax. Then they charged her 48 dollar because she had a 4x4. Thats what they told her. Called customer service and got this idiot telling me that is the cost of an oil change. I guess you get changed 48 bucks just driving in the place. Well they got us this time but never again. CROOKS.


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