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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Carson Stands by Comments About Not Advocating a Muslim President

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson caused a controversy over the weekend when he said that he wouldn't advocate electing a Muslim as president of the United States.

On "Hannity" tonight, Carson said he "absolutely" stands by his comments, explaining that we must not elect a person as commander-in-chief if their faith contradicts the Constitution.

Carson pointed out that there are no Muslims countries that operate the same way that our system does.



  1. Muslims don't belong here. They can take their evil religion and go back to their sand hell holes.

  2. Finally! A man who will stand behind the Constitution, not tear it apart, and who sees the truth that this is a country founded upon Christian values and whose laws and customs reflect those values. Thank you, Sir!

  3. he is a joke, more than trump...

    1. Your boy Obama is the biggest muslim joke ever.

    2. Far from a joke. Kid brain surgeon for goodness sakes. I'm voting for him. Have a good day

  4. why bother swearing the corruptocrats in with a pledge to The Constitution? the ruling class elites and their academia abettors have no allegience to the founding ideals of this country

  5. You have no clue do you 8:52?

  6. He is no Joke and he will be the next President. Political correctness is killing America. Finally we have a base now just build upon it. If you don't like America get the hell out. That means you 8:52

  7. "Anonymous said...

    he is a joke, more than trump...

    September 22, 2015 at 8:57 AM"

    Are you a neurosurgeon 8:57? No you are a peon and peons like you would best be served by listening to such a brilliant man as Dr Ben Carson. He's accomplished more already in his life then you ever will.

    1. I am all for Ben Carson, and would love to see a Trump-Carson ticket.

      But stating that one person is better than another because he is a neurosurgeon and someone else is, in your words, just a peon...is elitism, and classism at its most blatant. We are the people, and we the people are equal. Neurosurgeon, dishwasher, accountant, pilot, cashier, phlebotomist.

      There are financial analysts out there, who would be "best served" by listening to the wisdom of a retired electrician, for example.

      Let's not put people on pedestals, let's allow them to rise above on their own merits as equals.


  8. Dr Carson is making it very clear that no president's religion should come before the constitution. This applies to Muslims, Christians, Jews etc. The constitution comes first!

  9. 8:57 you are the joke. Low information ignoramuses like you have no business even offering up you uninformed opinion.
    You need to educate yourself. Islam is not exclusively a religion. I know the propaganda that is rammed down your throat by the shovelfuls tells you otherwise but it is not just a religion.
    It is a way of life. It is a form of government.

  10. Muslims, Islam and Allah all belong in camel land and that is not the United State of America. Dr. Carson is a very intelligent man, whom I respect, and if given the chance, he would be a wonderful president. Political Correctness be damned. Where has it gotten us? In a damn welfare line for the rest of our lives cause Mr. Muslim in the white house made it possible for us to do so.

  11. good for him! he's had my vote all along

  12. He just gained points from me.... Muslims go HOME!

  13. NO religion has any place in governing. It is Sharia law if it is Muslim or Christian.

  14. In America we are free to express our opinion. Dr Carson was asked a question of which his answer was HIS opinion. He could have lied or danced around the answer like a true politician. Unlike the politicians Dr Carson chooses not to be politically correct, IMO he and Donald Trump are a breath of fresh air.

    If you do not agree with Carson or Trump, don't vote for either. You are entitled to your opinion and nothing I say will change your mind. That is a two way street but I will not call YOU stupid, uneducated or a fool when our opinions differ, because I do not have the mentality of a democrat or socialist.

  15. He is a role model and does not lie. He gave his opinion when he was asked a got you question. And he has the courage and character to stand by his opinion. This is a Christian nation built on Christian beliefs.

  16. When Iran allows a Jewish or Amish president and Saudi Arabia allows a Catholic or Christian leader I will consider a muslim for president in America.

  17. We do not have a Christian Constitution and I would not want one any more than I would want a Muslim one.
    We are not a theocracy.

  18. I agree with Ben Carson and support him and the Donald all the way.

  19. " Anonymous said...

    he is a joke, more than trump...

    September 22, 2015 at 8:57 AM"

    Why is he a 'joke'? Because he answered a question the way he honestly felt about it?
    I have news for you 8:57-You are the joke! Actually you are worse than any joke. You are a pathetic piss poor excuse for a human being! People like you who would rather him tell a lie than risk 'offending' someone aren't worth a damn. You are ALL that is WRONG with the world and if you had a brain instead of being the politically robot that you are you would be ashamed of yourself for not praising him on being honest instead of telling a lie.

  20. 8:57 here,

    we are not a christian country, we are a country where the majority of people are christian. big difference. he is pandering to the conservative Muslim fearing right, which I'm sure is the main audience here.

    this shows a fundamental Lack of knowledge about the Muslim Religion, and most of all the Constitution of these American States.

    1. We don't have to know all about Islam, but we do have to know it must not be allowed to gain a toehold in power.

    2. @8:57 this is a country found on Christian beliefs. If you don't like it get out. Muslims are against democracy, Christians, and Americans. I know all I need to know about Islam. Maybe you should get on a plane and fly to the nearest Islam practicing country of your choice and learn about Islam first hand. We don't need or want people like you in this country...you are the reason this nation is in the state its in now.

    3. We are the Americans who absolutely reject Islam, not some "Muslim fearing right."

      Of those who claim some religious affiliation, most will say they are "Christian". This doesn't make us a "Christian country".

      The more a free people know about Islam, the more strongly they'll resist its insidious and calculated infestation of our society. Those who still cling to the "religion of peace" garbage, are wearing blinders...much like a blindfold over the face of someone about to have their throat cut.

  21. "... a fundamental lack of understanding about the muslim religion....".
    I think most Americans fully understand that if muslims ruled this country, most of us would be dead. They LOVE to kill. Watch entire towns erupt in cheering when new of another dead infidel is posted.
    We get the picture, all right.
    Please, tell us Neanderthal, knuckle dragging, poor old eastern shore hillbillies what "knowledge" we lack about the Koran's directives to kill infidels and non-believers.

  22. Paging Dr. Carson -- emergency. But wait, don't need you, it's a muslim!

    1. Makes no sense. Dr. Carson treated patients regardless of race, ethnicity or religious affiliation.

  23. You Go Ben! You've got my vote because of
    your decency, morals , intelligence & plain ole commen sense!

  24. Ben and Don:

    Please keep it up - it really helps us.


    Joe and Hillary

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Dr Carson is making it very clear that no president's religion should come before the constitution. This applies to Muslims, Christians, Jews etc. The constitution comes first!

    September 22, 2015 at 9:44 AM

    That's odd. I remember reading in the bible God saying you shall have no other gods before Him.

    All of you can do what you wish but as for me, I will offer no blind allegiance to a man-made government, especially one that is trying to usurp God.

    I think it is better to obey God rather than any man.

    1. I offer no allegiance to a man-made God, either.

  26. I liked good ole doc...before he advocated putting government before God. That can only lead to destruction.

  27. Wrong 12:06

    Excerpt Article 1 Section 7: "If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their adjournment prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law."

    Sundays excepted? "The government shuts down and does not transact business on Sunday. If this provision had been made in respect of Jews, the Constitution would have read “Saturdays excepted.” If provision had been made for Muslims, the Constitution would have read “Fridays excepted.” If the Founders had intended to encourage a day of inactivity for the government without regard to any one religion, they could have chosen Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Instead, the federal Constitution reads “Sundays excepted”—proving conclusively that America was Christian in its orientation and that the Framers themselves shared the Christian worldview and gave political recognition to and accommodation of that fact."

    Shall I continue? There are many many more constitutional allusions to Christianity and 4 references to it in the Declaration of Independence.

  28. Now I can't wait to see how Obama responds to Putin's ISIS crackdown.The entire world is waiting to see how a devout Muslim leader will react to a full scale assault on other Muslims.His meeting with Putin this week will be very telling and will put him on the spot.Nothing short of Obama's full cooperation will suffice.

  29. I'm with Ben. Carson-Trump or Trump-Carson. Either way, America comes back!

    Mat God bless them both!


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