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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Carson: Muslim Shouldn't Be Elected President

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson says Islam is antithetical to the Constitution, and he doesn't believe that a Muslim should be elected president.

Carson, a devout Christian, says a president's faith should matter to voters if it runs counter to the values and principles of America.

Responding to a question during an interview broadcast Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press," he described the Islamic faith as inconsistent with the Constitution.



  1. Well that's gonna hurt.

  2. I agree with him 100%!

  3. This is why it is wrong for Obama to try changing the Constitution to be more compatible with the Muslim religion.

  4. Huh, 9:41?? That makes no sense.

  5. Under current situations the only way to keep this country safe is exactly what Carson and Trump have said. Muslims are the group that have attacked us here and abroad and continue to threaten our way of life. You do not hear such evil and threatening comments from other religions. As long as that religion poses a threat to our way of life and opposes our constitution then i agree with them both

  6. The constitution clearly says there is no Religious test!

    1. the Constitution always also guarantees the right to bear arms. guarantees freedom of speech. Guaranteed the right to practice your religion. But as you know that dosent matters anymore! In today's times the Constitution is just merely a suggestion!

    2. It also says the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Can't have it both ways lib.

    3. The liberal idiots have once again invaded the blog.

  7. The article lies saying:

    "He did not specify in what way Islam ran counter to constitutional principles."

    He most definitely said that Sharia Law and the constitution are incompatible.

  8. Good for him! Stand-up for your beliefs, a lot of Americans feel the same way! I would not vote for a muslum for any office, including dog catcher. Ben Carson is popular because he has standards and will not comprimise his belief. Thank God!

  9. Too late now. It's already happened.

  10. Dr. Carson is right again.

  11. Will be so glad when the current Muslim is not President anymore.

  12. the only people up in arms about this is the media. they want controversy. thats their bread & butter. they will run with this till the next piece of meat is dangled in front of them. it's a feeding frenzy. they are soul less whores.

  13. a Muslim's beliefs do not line up with our Constitution. period

  14. No religious test - but death to america is a loyalty test!

    This 'slime' POSOTUS should not heve been elected in the first place.

    I agree with Dr Carson and Mr Trump.

    We need to take our country back!

  15. Hey...the man is dead on right.

  16. Yup and now the libs are having a stroke lol kerp up the good work ben.

  17. Dr Carson was asked what he thought about a muslim as president.

    His answer was that he would not ADVOCATE for that. That he didn't agree with it because of some muslim values/tenets running counter to the Constitution.

    To which CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper replied "You cannot hold these kinds of views and at the same time say you will represent all Americans, of all faiths and backgrounds."

    I'd say the CAIR guy made Dr Carson's case for him, eh?

  18. .."The constitution clearly says there is no Religious test!.."

    No religious test to qualify for the office. But there are many things that would make a candidate unsuitable for the office, including religious beliefs that are counter to our Constitution and laws.

    Of course, that would be up to the electorate to discern that and make the right choice.

    Dr Carson didn't say the person should be prohibited from running. He said he wouldn't advocating electing such a person.

  19. He is so right.
    Muslims are unable to separate church and state. I'm so glad he is running on solid common sense and not pc bs

  20. For any of you bleeding heart liberals on this post - and especially the sanctimonious newswomen on CNN - who are beside themselves on Dr. Carson's belief, consider this:
    Would you be OK with being invited to the White House and required to cover yourself completely? If a Muslim president follows his Islamic tenet, then that would be required.
    And where is the Gay point of view on what Dr. Ben said? A Muslim in the WH could easily ban them from all governmental offices, if not have them killed (which is what the Koran requires.)
    Carson is right in his belief. You can be a Muslim and run for office, but the conflicts of interest with one's religion would be too huge to overcome.

  21. "IN GOD WE TRUST". i think that says it all. not Allah or any other. if you can not recite the words "IN GOD WE TRUST" and say it proudly then you are not eligible or should you be eligible to run for any governmental position.

    1. Show me in the law, where atheists are not eligible to hold a government poition.

  22. Finally. A politician who speaks from his heart and not political correctness.

  23. Years ago there was concern about Kennedy being Catholic. Personally, I'm not in favor of some of these uber Christian types either (Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, I'm looking at you). My reasons are similar to any objections I'd have against a Muslim.

  24. I agree with him ... 100%. I will not apologize for how I feel.

  25. Now I think I'll support him.

  26. No Baptists should ever be president since they only smoke, drink and gamble behind closed doors.

    1. Or a clinton who is a womanizer,and hypoCrite.

    2. This is democRATS testing the waters through the Lib media .

  27. Why is his comment that he would not support a muslim being misrepresented as saying he would deport or shoot them???

  28. He is right on target and has my vote. This is a prime example of the liberal media blowing it out of proportion !!!

  29. He's right on target....but still not presidential material.
    Besides, chances are there's already a price on his head.

  30. So all of you will put the constitution above God?

  31. @ 3:19 what a stupid comment.

  32. The pope is visiting inmates right now i tho ught i seen obama there.

  33. Thanks, Ben

    Hillary, Berney and Joe

  34. Ask a idiot democrat If they would vote in a muslim who believes im Sharia ?

    1. That's like saying a Christian who believes in the bible. You can't be a good Muslim unless you support sharia law, as that is islam's codified stranglehold on freedom, tolerance and peace.

    2. Islam is a iSCAM.

  35. There already is a Muslim in the Whitehouse.

  36. Anyone whose personal beliefs preclude upholding our constitution, cannot legitimately take the oath of office as a public official.

    Likewise, anyone whose personal beliefs preclude them from upholding the words of the bible, cannot legitimately take the vows of office as a church official.

    That said, the uniquely Islamic practice of taqiyya, or "deliberate lies, deceit or fraud in the interest of furthering Islam", means they will say or swear anything, if it will benefit a Muslim, and therefore Islam.

    So by definition, no, a Muslim cannot legitimately hold any public office, unless he is willing to do so in direct conflict with the most important aspect of his life: Islam. And for that reason, I would not trust any Muslim in a position of public authority of any kind.

  37. Too bad we already have 'slime' in the white house...

    Too bad they're taught to lie to further their agenda...

  38. Democrats will start WWIII.AKA Obama.

  39. Muslims should be banned


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