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Sunday, September 13, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Freddie Gray Trial to Stay In Baltimore

Judge decides the trial for 6 officers will stay in Baltimore.  Change of venue has been denied.

Judge rules it would be premature to move FreddieGray cases out of Baltimore without going through voir dire process first.

Judge Williams did not completely close the door on moving Freddie Gray cases out if Baltimore if juries can't be seated after voir dire 

Judge in Freddie Gray motion said you can't move trials based only on conjecture of potential jurors. 


  1. It's time for white people to riot this time!
    No way this will be a fair trial.

  2. I don't get the settlement 1st and then the trial.

  3. What an utterly idiotic decision made by no doubt another affirmative action black judge. They recently moved a dirt bike case out to Howard county because of the 'highly charged' nature of it. If this case isn't 'highly charged' then what it.
    No one ever needs to wonder why the black communities are all cesspools of crime and poverty. What they look up to it's no wonder.
    The shame of it all is that blacks haven't the ability to see that they are the sole cause of all their failures.

  4. We have heard for months how corrupt the courts are in Baltimore. Now all of a sudden they want to keep the trial there? Seems if they wanted a fair trial they would move it to another location. Witness and juror intiidation has always been a problem in Baltimore. It will be no different in this case.

  5. Can you say "lynching" ?

  6. The city already admitted guilt. I wonder if you can find a policeman there willing to actually do his job.

  7. I refuse to go near that place.

  8. Gotta make sure they are found guilty!! No justice at all for those cops!

  9. OMG!! How can this be true? Is this being done in an attempt to give the defense a legitimate reason for appeal? That's what will happen. This is ridiculous. These officers will be convicted and this judge just sealed their fate. I agree with 11:12. the only people who get any satisfaction at all are the ones who act like animals.

  10. The place is a jungle to be avoided at all cost.

  11. This should be really interesting.

  12. Good, the last thing we need is for that circus to come to Wicomico County.


  14. I'm not at all concerned. God will step in as He is doing by having all this black on black crime. He sees what is in the hearts of these savages and He is killing them off one by one and He will not stop until blacks get back to Him in a real way and not the fake way in which they do. Each and every bullet that rips through a black body is sent by God. He is so very angry with blacks and they aren't getting it.

    1. Lol but they are breeding faster than black on black violence can make a difference.

  15. I think it is a wise decision to keep the trial in Baltimore. If the ruling is not favorable to the locals they can burn the remainder of their homes and businesses instead of another location.

  16. "Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It's time for white people to riot this time!
    No way this will be a fair trial.

    September 10, 2015 at 11:12 AM"

    Whites are more civilized and won't riot. That's a black thing as they haven't learned how to do things the intelligent way. It goes against their African ways. What whites will do is move out. More White Flight which will cause the city to decay further into a war zone. More and more areas will become under the control of drug dealers and gangs and the murder rate will increase dramatically. LE will be telling them we can't come as they are doing in Detroit. Little children will be killed in the crossfire. Not our concern though. They grew it and they will have to suck it up.

  17. Well it appears the Judge does not see clearly either. How in good conscience can he say that these officers will get a fair trial in Baltimore? There is no way. Anybody that makes a settlement to the family before the trials already have all the lawyers, Judges, government officials corrupted and in their back pocket. These officers do not have a chance in Baltimore.

    1. And the jury pool is now tainted.

  18. This is so wrong just like it was so wrong to already settle with his family for 16 million dollars. Wrong, just wrong. That whole damn city government is corrupt.

  19. The thugs and the other loser blacks who had every excuse to avoid jury duty in the past will be lined up at the door to be picked for this one.

  20. "Williams was unconvinced that media coverage had influenced citizens - at least not any more than residents of other jurisdictions, saying the coverage had been "local, state, national, international."

    This proves that Williams is nothing more an an affirmative action selected 'judge.' With this incomprehensible line of thinking no trial would ever be transferred. I didn't think it could get and 'dumber' after seeing Mosby but this is the icing on the cake. Dumb and dumber.

  21. Williams also used the Beltway sniper and the Boston bombing trials as a point as to why the trials could stay in Baltimore. He is a dope because there are no comparisons between them. People weren't out rioting and looting in either of the 2 other trials. This particular case is unique and unprecedented. He's not a jurist in any sense of the word. He's a mere poster boy for why affirmative action is a disaster. He's not a judge. He's a scumbag and blacks if they had any sense their heads would be dragging the ground in shame.

  22. ""Williams was unconvinced that media coverage had influenced citizens - at least not any more than residents of other jurisdictions,"

    What is it with blacks? How come they have no reasoning skills or no cognitive thinking skills. People weren't rioting in any other jurisdictions so of course the media especially social media influenced the citizens of Baltimore. Dumb is an understatement. This clown some call a judge is the epitome of an ignoramus.

  23. I hate that Mosby ghetto trash and would take extreme pleasure in hearing she got decapitated after being run over by a garbage truck. It couldn't happen to a nicer person. Plus her kids would be better off not having that lying thing as a mother.

  24. Hopefully, none of the officers has yet waived their right to a speedy trial within 180 days of indictment. With an October 13th trial date, that leaves a margin of a little over 3 weeks afterwards to get 6 cases to trial. I don't see any way of that happening if all the cases are to be tried by Judge Williams separately. He may have to let some of the other cases go to other judges. If so, the Clerk of the Court is facing a scheduling nightmare. One can only hope the State's Attorney's Office is now too.

  25. This is a clown show these cops are already convicted...They will appeal after the party is over and be released.

  26. The police force should walk off the job and join Oath Keepers.

  27. Any sense of morale the BPD was gaining is now gone. The murder rate is going to soar and I hope it does. The dregs that are the residents of Baltimore are deserving of living in that cesspool they have created. I hope 10 thugs are killing tonight. They grew it now they can deal with it.

  28. Socialist = Bernie sanders
    Freedom = Donald Trump.

  29. Screw baltimore, in fact screw this whole stinking ignorant libtarded state. White flight baby cant wait to leave

  30. They will free the blaxk cops and hang the 3 white cops then all cops should call in sick for a week so we can thin the BLM heard down.

  31. And why are we surprised -- that judge is a black Democrat liberal buffoon!

  32. I am not surprised. It's typical for blacks to make bad decisions. This lack of good decision making skills is why they disproportionately commit more crimes than other races and why they disproportionately collect more welfare benefits then other races. Just because he is a judge doesn't make him any different because you have to take into account that he is no doubt a product of affirmative action and probably not much smarter that a 10 year old from a good school district.

  33. This guy is Black. He was a Civil Rights attorney and a clerk for Black Judges. He went to UVA (but he majored in History)and MD Law. He was an Affirmative Action student at both schools. If ever there was a case for a change of trial location because of adverse pretrial publicity--this is it. Even the uneducated or the low IQ crowd have heard of this case and the 6 cop defendants. Just think of it this way--At a minimum there is reversible error built into the record with the denial of the Change of Venue. It is just unbelievable that a prosecutor can make the public statements that she did and not draw a grievance.

  34. Aawww, y'all think the officers can't get a fair trial by a jury of their peers in Baltimore. Who says black people can't be impartial and fair jurors?

    Besides most of us...


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