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Sunday, September 27, 2015


“So yes, taxes would go up..."

Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders says, if elected his first budget would not be balanced and “taxes will go up.”

Sanders was describing himself as a “deficit hawk” on Bloomberg Politics’ With All Due Respect when he was asked if he was president if the first budget he would submit would be balanced.

“No, no. Arguably you could not do that,” Sanders responded.

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  1. Honesty, how refreshing

    1. He's an admitted socialist. Is that what you want?

  2. Of course he's right, taxes need to go up specifically on the ultra wealthy who have been skirting taxes through schemes and loopholes for decades. Time to get America running again and fix our infrastructure.

  3. He also doesn't say that later budgets will be balanced.....or that taxes won't continue to go up.

    We're already running out of the people's money to spend.....

  4. Will not vote for him

  5. The budget will never be balanced until we eliminate wasteful government spending.

  6. The new norm under the democrats is taxes go up. Look at Maryland and how bad Omalley stiffed us. Hopefully a republican will win and stop the madness.

  7. At least he's not promising something he can't guarantee.

  8. I must say of all the candidates, he is the one that addresses the issues and seems to be genuinely speaking the truth. I also must say I cannot vote for him. He is a true socialist.

  9. Ah yes...just like Walter Mondale...a liberal who at least speaks the truth! And, hears hoping for the same result!

  10. I've got a fresh idea for you Bernie, why not live within your means? Tighten your belt just as Middle America has had to do. Your 'give-away' programs are a failed & idealistic pipe dream that cannot be sustained., even the most casual observer can see it. Don't raise taxes, cut spending, starting with supporting these immigrant parasites that have overrun the nation., we've got enough indigenous welfare parasites of our own.

  11. As a member of Congress (you know, the ones who CONTROL THE SPENDING!!) he is promising to fix the 18 trillion dollar mess HE helped create, but FIRST, must .....wait for it.....RAISE TAXES (again). This is the Democrats solution to everything --- take MORE money from those who work and pass it around like a joint at Woodstock. Mostly to people who never work or have anything they bought themselves.
    That used to be called "unmitigated gall".
    And he is getting HUGE support! Which, to me, is unreal.
    Keep cheering.

  12. Yeah, Bernie, that worked real well with the communists, now didn't it?
    Productivity was zero, nobody worked, and there were few consumer goods, although everybody was a consumer. Give everybody everything (or whatever is available) and nobody is willing to go to work and produce anything. Believe me, if you try to take away the wealth of the capitalists and give to everyone else, the capitalists will bolt from this country, like they did with the communists. Just won't work Bernie. I can't believe anyone buys his horse crap theories, but then again, his supporters all voted for Obama two times in a row.

  13. Some of the polls show that millennials support this guy. If so, his ilk is what we may be facing in the future.


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