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Thursday, August 06, 2015

WSJ: Democrats Sorely Need a Scott Walker to Bust Unions

The Democratic Party is in need of an anti-union candidate like Scott Walker because unions have been the chief obstacle to nearly ever reform that both the right and the left have tried to enact, said an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal.

"Unions may not matter much in American workplaces anymore but unions represent the main political obstacle to just about every kind of reform: School choice. Entitlements. Pensions. Healthcare," wrote Holman Jenkins of the Journal's editorial board in a Business World column.

He gave the example that the labor movement has been the main obstacle to overhauling California's Environmental Quality Act, which was a reform supported by Democrats and environmentalists.

Jenkins quotes Miles Kimball, a University of Michigan economist and self-described "supply-side liberal" who wrote on his blog, "Most unions are middle-class organizations that in their political activities are ready and willing to sacrifice the interests of the poor to benefit their members and their leaders."

He said that Walker's "revolution" was driven by voters who realized that government workers had become the privileged class, attracting the best pay, best benefits, longest vacations, and job security, making them un-removable.

More here


  1. My Union job matters to me. Screw Scott Walker.

  2. We should have to concentrate on WIN (what's important now), all the other crap you can throw out the window. Iran , illegals , border control , black issues with ruling the world , entitlements .

  3. Trump focuses on the economy and the safety of our country he's our man.

  4. There are much bigger issues in this country/world than union busting.


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